Funniest Tweeps a-Tweetin'?

Another week and another Top 10 Comedy Tweeters list is doing the rounds...
This week Top Social Media bods have used to compile this list of the ten most influential comedians tweeting right now:
- Stephen Fry -
- Eddie Izzard -
- Graham Linehan -
- Russell Brand -
- Alan Carr -
- Jonathan Ross -
- David Mitchell -
- Armando Ianucci -
- John Cleese -
- Simon Pegg -
While it is a tad surprising that some ingenious comedians who use Twitter brilliantly don't appear (eg, , , Holly Walsh, and ), it seems we always see the same names in a different order when it comes to these lists.
We want to know about the hidden gems that never feature in lists like these.
Who are the funniest people on Twitter?
Post your recommendations below and we'll #FF as many as we can on Friday.
Comment number 1.
At 19th Jan 2011, Azeem Azhar wrote:Hi Steve
Peter Serafinowicz, Rufus Hound and David Schneider all appear on the list - if you look below the top 12 - the URL for this is here:
Steve Martin does score very highly ( see ) but we reckonned he was not a Brit. Was that a mistake?
As for Holly Walsh - she didn't make our original list of 258, apologies to her, I've queued her up for calculation.
Think of anyone else, send them along to us and we'll do our best to index them.
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Comment number 2.
At 20th Jan 2011, Thom wrote:I follow a few of those top 10 people but they hardly ever tweet, let alone anything funny.
I've just recently started following Nick Frost (@nickjfrost). He's been quite amusing, I enjoyed his latest Creme Egg rant.
Peter Serafinowicz is by far the most superior comedian I follow.
It helps a lot when the comedians interact with their followers.
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Comment number 3.
At 20th Jan 2011, jeanie360 wrote:you should definitely check out the tweets of Scottish comedian Greg McHugh's character creation, Gary Tank Commander @GARYTANK
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Comment number 4.
At 20th Jan 2011, Bryony wrote:Gareth Aveyard tweeting as @thefagcasanova is the most consistently funny person I follow on Twitter.
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Comment number 5.
At 20th Jan 2011, Pieman63 wrote:Tony Cowards (@TonyCowards) and Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) are the kings of the Tweet one-liners. I thoroughly recommend both of them.
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Comment number 6.
At 20th Jan 2011, VioletaB wrote:Emma Thompson is fantastic. Sardonic and to the point. Joan Rivers, great. StuHeritage who I linked to after following his acetic critique weekly in Guardian Blog of the X Factor. And last but not least PrimhilVioletaB a sitcom in the making rebooting her life in spectacular and ironic style.
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Comment number 7.
At 20th Jan 2011, Graham Bandage wrote:@MooseAllain and @Jacques_Aih are consistently inventive and hilarious.
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Comment number 8.
At 20th Jan 2011, bishness wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 9.
At 20th Jan 2011, biffolot wrote:@profanityswan is the funniest thing on Twitter, by far - though he does seem to have momentarily disappeared for a bit. He'll definitely be back soon. Almost definitely.
Also @IanMartin (on 'the list' lower down), when he pops up, is a laugh. (Especially when he gets into the occoasional vivid, surreal swear-off with @thefagcasanova.)(Their best was made into a youtube video with text-speach. Really brilliant.)
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Comment number 10.
At 20th Jan 2011, SteveFiori wrote:@Betfairpoker is brilliant. They rarely tweet about poker or any gambling. It's all pretty hard to describe, they post strange monologues and stories.
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Comment number 11.
At 21st Jan 2011, JimKin wrote:@GaryDelaney is a one-line merchant who has plenty of hits.
@gavwebbcomedian hits the mark...
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Comment number 12.
At 22nd Jan 2011, sussane sh wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 13.
At 29th Jan 2011, thewhiteswizard wrote:Brilliant.
There's more to add though, I personally follow @mrkeisukemiyagi
He's hilarious and would recommend him to anyone, as long as you aren't easily offended! lol
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