Last orders for Two Pints of Lager...
Sad news for fans of the long-running ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three sitcom...
Yes, it's last orders for Runcorn's finest. ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three has announced that it is calling time on Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps.
The show launched way back in 2002 and featured the original line up of Will Mellor, Natalie Casey, Kathryn Drysdale, Ralf Little and Sheridan Smith.

Two Pints ran for nine series and chalk up an amazing 80 episodes.
Series creator and writer Susan Nickson added: "I've had a fantastic time working on Two Pints for the last fifty years but wholeheartedly believe it's the right decision for us all to move on. The crew, the fans, the actors and the writers have become like family over the life of the show in that I see them once a year and ask for money.
I'm thankful that we connected to such a large audience for such a long time and brought such happiness to a lot of people and a lot of enjoyable rage to many others.
I'm extremely grateful to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ for supporting the show and already have plans afoot for future ventures with the corporation."
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Tell us your thoughts about the end of the line for Two Pints...
What was your favourite moment from the sitcom? Gaz' secret stash? Johnny's biscuit rap? Janet and Donna's party trick face off?
Which character will you miss the most?
You can your memories (adding the hashtag #LastOrdersTwoPints), comment on our or pay your last respects in the comments below.
Comment number 1.
At 23rd Jul 2011, Bridgwater Photos wrote:Thank that good news the show started off well but with the loss of Kathryn Drysdale, Ralf Little and Sheridan Smith the last series was pants
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Comment number 2.
At 25th Jul 2011, heatoreat wrote:NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
The funniest program on the box.
Take this off and you can whistle for my license fee.
Oh yes, license fee, I think I pay that, to see what i want.
Obviously not anymore.
The Beeb are brilliant (or used to be) at comedy, "Fools" "Porridge" "Open all Hours" "My Family" and on and on.
But recently offerings like "Big Top" "Celebrity Ballroom dancing on mice" and the ultimate depressing "East Enders" a program to commit suicide too.
Wait until the cast and writers think it is time to move on. And remember people like to laugh.
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Comment number 3.
At 25th Jul 2011, hotdogs1 wrote:I have to say I applaud ´óÏó´«Ã½3 for finally putting this show out of it's misery. A comedy show with no jokes at all. The unfunniest comedy show in years. Even Richard Bacon recently on his radio show tried to get the controller of ´óÏó´«Ã½3 to formerly apologise for it live on air. That pretty much says it all!
I write better than this just by making off the cuff jokes every day. It's inspired me to give writing comedy a go because if the ´óÏó´«Ã½ continue to comission things like this then I'm in with a fighting chance!
The worst show on television and it will not be missed in my opinion.
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Comment number 4.
At 26th Jul 2011, Apache287 wrote:Ok so the new controller has gotten rid of all of the well established comedy shows that appeal to a wide audience and have replaced them with rubbish such as 'hotter than my daughter' or 'snog marry avoid'.
´óÏó´«Ã½ Three has gone downhill very fast and really isn't worth watching.
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Comment number 5.
At 26th Jul 2011, scraybar_jack wrote:About time - I've rarely seen such a poor "comedy" series in my life.
Not only was this a terrible and completely unfunny series with terrible scripts and talentless "actors" but I found that people who liked it had seriously poor senses of humour too.
If anything it acted as a good judge to have little to do with those around you who liked it!!
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Comment number 6.
At 26th Jul 2011, Neil Williams wrote:The series became a pale shadow of its former self in the last series and the newer characters were neither strong enough or believable enough to replace the originals. No comedy show or any other show for that matter lasts for ever so we shall remember the good times of Two Pints and forget the damp squib of an ending the current series gave us!
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Comment number 7.
At 6th Aug 2011, medina wrote:Glad it's gone. Not the programme it used to be. Should've ended when Ralf Little left.
I do strongly agree with Apache287's sentiment though. Replace it with something good. ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three used to be a fantastic channel. There are far too many appalling programmes on ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three that should not have made it to air:
Angry Boys, Bizarre ER, Don't Tell The Bride, Geordie Finishing School For Girls, Jamie: Drag Queen at Sixteen, Snog Marry Avoid, Underage and Pregnant, Young, Rich and House Hunting...
Not to mention all these 'real life' programmes (excluding Our War). Stop trying to be an awful mix of MTV and Ok! magazine!
And I know that when money is tight, a clip show is something cheap to throw on air. But World's Craziest Fools is poor too. This should be on a budget TV channel, not the ´óÏó´«Ã½.
If the ´óÏó´«Ã½ are going to be so arrogant as to impose their licence upon all television, at least make sure you do cater for everyone. As things stand, I will be thinking hard in these tough economic times of whether I really want to renew my licence.
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Comment number 8.
At 19th Aug 2011, FrankyR wrote:It is nice to see it put out of it's misery. A truely funny programme many years ago but not funny for many years now.
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