A view from the backbenches

Dear Alec, I have no problem with you attending the awards I do how ever have a problem with the fact that you totally ignore the fact we have a Chairman of the Council. Your position is as leader of the political side of the Council and the Chairman's job to be the figurehead which given the chance she does extremely well. If you have a problem with that maybe you should look at your own role which you have attracted a lot of bad press on behalf of us all and if that is not enough for you maybe you should give someone else a chance and step aside.I guess that means councillor Eva's vote can no longer be relied upon (if it ever could) to support the Conservative-Independent administration.
Comment number 1.
At 25th Mar 2011, Diana Merrett wrote:I wonder if you know anything about what is happening to the Town of Falmouth.
From what some of us learnt today if would seem that Cornwall Council has been very quietly in talks with developers on giving our small spare land to the CUC for student accommodation without the knowledge being relaid to the people of Falmouth Town. That Cornwall Council has turned it's back on the people of this town by not giving us the Articule 4 direction that every Town and City in the country has gone in for to help bring back their own communites as they all have an unbalanced situation of having a University with many landlords taking over street by street for just the student.
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