Poor old Greg...
Piers is my boss. This is him here wearing a very fetching hat:
He's also Greg James' boss too. Now, because Greg got us a quite inappropriate Valentine's Day present (a very rude magazine), we made Piers phone Greg up, to tell him we were very upset and that we were going to complain to the big boss, Ben.
Listen to the wind up:
We love you Greg!
That's mean Jo, I think we need a new feature on your show.... My Name Is Jo!
Hmm, when Gregg says Whaaaaat? he sounds like Sebastian from the Little Britain Prime Minister Sketch lol
you're mean jo,plus your turning into scott mills,i mean your doing to greg what scott does to you.
I wanna see the magazine! lmao!! well funny :] poor gregg!
Your evil jo. poor old Greg :D
And you wonder why Scott Mills is so evil to ya. Maybe it's karma....
Classic - I'm dying to know what his reaction was when he found out it was a wind up.