Urban Myth?
So I was telling you on the show today about my friends snake that was sizing her up to eat her...if you missed my snake story have a listen here now...
Loads of you were telling me it was an urban myth, but could it be true?!
This episode of Life in Cold blood shows that it IS possible for a snake to eat a deer. (Click on the picture below and the snake is 30 minutes into the programme which runs out on Sunday 17th Feb)
i'll have nightmares jo.
yuk man!.. that was mingin! why show that? WHY!!AAAAAAAH.
Its true, honest. I know because i have experienced it first hand my snake for weeks didnt eat getting thinner and thinner, then one day it ate me WAHHHHH! obviously i survived though :)
I think this may be a story that is floating around.....I heard the exact same story at a friends family party only a few weeks ago!!! I so believed it but....... maybe not now!
Urban myth or true
this story has been going round a wigan hospital for the last month!!!
Chinease whispers eh !!
Amazing what gets around
omg jo i was listening to it this morning when u were tellin it..it really freaked me out..true r not it still gave me the shiveries up my back lol..eugh
My friend knew someone who's pet snake did exactly the same thing - except she used to sleep in bed with it! She realised it wasnt eating much, and took it to the vet - the vet told her it was getting ready to engulf her... just like this other snake!
Aaah it freaks me out!!
Hi Joe
any experienced snake keeper will tell you that this is just a load of rubbish.
Snakes do not eat people.
Just because a 30ft reticulated python can swallow a deer, it does not follow that a 9ft boa (usually the alleged culprit) can eat an adult human.
Snopes has lots of lovely details as to why this urban myth is completely untrue....
I can' believe you told that story it is sooo not true. I am an experienced keeper of herps and I own a boa and I know 4 a fact it has not got the body size to ingest a humans head and shoulders.
take a look at this and see how many people are sick of this rumor
I've heard this story twice now, of 2 completely unrelated friends who dont know eachother, they both had a friend of a friend that this happened too.
The first time i was told it i was shocked, the second time i was like wait a minute..., and now i definately think its a myth!
This is the exact same story I got told at a party over new year and laughed my head of when I heard you telling it this morning!! Defo not true think it is a urban myth!! Love the show as always jo xx
it's not in a snakes nature to measure their prey, nor is it a viable idea as they do not have time to lay beside their victim prior to eating it in their natural enviornment, definitely an urban myth!
great story !wow! gotta remember that :) i think it happened but got passed around and stuff
OMG! haha
i would have crapped myself boy!
i'm terrified of snakes, and i wouldn't let the bloody thing roam around anyway
ew! it send's shivers down my spine ew!
This story is true,i may have heard it through hearsay from my friend kat, she has actually met the lady and the snake. (The lady who owns it tkaes it everywhere~)-my friend found this very perculiar,as it is,she lets it sleep in the bad with her at night.it is true
OMG that is gonna haunt me forever!!!
But it was an amazing story!!!!
itssssssssssssssssss (hehe get it) em....
well its horrbile im checking under ma bed 2nite!! lol
xxxxxxxx creepy stuff xxxxxxxxxxx
this is absolute bull, its been proven many a time that snakes cannot eat humans as they cant get past the shoulders
also snakes DO NOT size up their prey, they also do not think about their dinner and they wouldnt go for something that big either, especially a pet snake.
the reason the poor thing prob wasnt eating if this is a true story is stress due to not having a secure and suitable enclosure, sleeping on the bed DOES NOT give adequate heating to keep a healthy snake
next time u need to get your facts straight before saying things like this publically as people like myself who own snakes now bare the grunt of the small minded people who now assume all snakes are dangerous.