Weekend cut short... (4)
- 3 Feb 08, 02:27 PM
So I've come in on a Sunday to start scripting for Friday's record.
Posting a new blog entry seems like the perfect way to delay working a little bit longer, then a bit of writing and then off home to watch Atonement I reckon.
Dying to see it because a lot of it was filmed where I come from.
We had some good news on friday. Cuba Gooding Jr is coming over from America next week and wants to do Lily's show while he's here.
That means a great line up for show one - (David Mitchell & Reverend and The Makers too).
Send your questions for any of our guests over to us at lilyallen@bbc.co.uk, you can also send emails for Lily. Ask her anything you like. Perhaps you need a bit of advice or just want to share something funny with her. It would be great to hear what's making you laugh on the internet at the moment.
Don't forget you can also upolad your videos to our Youtube channel. This can be done via the main site.
Cheers for now
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Bless you comming in on a sunday, well I commend you highly for the commitment, I would love to come and work on the show if you would have me ??
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Haha aw, worth it though eh?
I really want tickets for the show! No reply yet though..:(
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Just got my ticket confirmation... great! Looks like a wicked night too, gonna speak to the boss and bunk off work early. See you guys there xx
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your comments are faked, I can trace them, your fooked, I'm complaining to the trust
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