Painful maths

We did this on the show today and it really makes you think. If you know the trip to the shops and back costs you 3 pounds 50 a go it could make you change your journey habits
Three people have agreed to keep a record for the next week of the price of all their short and long journeys...they range from a smart cat to a real gas guzzler.
Have you done the maths? We ranged from 17 pence a mile to 49 this morning...and have you changed car to make sure that cost per mile has been drastically a comment or email me at are a few thoughts from today's show
Alvin from Hempstead has a Rover now costs him 17 pence per mile to run when he bought the car in 1996 it was 6 pence per mile.
John says it may cost 49p per mile to drive the Jag but it's all about style and comfort...some bus journeys are £2 for around 3 miles...that's 67 pence per mile to travel in a noisy uncomfortable stop-start environment.
Tim in Cirencester is divorced and his children now live in Stoke. H spends £80 every other week in fuel to see them and that's after down-sizing his car. It used to him £140 every fortnight and that was killing him.
Jim in Tewkesbury drives a Jaguar and it costs him 49.2 pence per mile to run. His wife drives a Peugeot 206 but only drives locally and costs 49 pence a mile to run.
Ray emailed...he drives a Honda Civic and it is very economical. He worked out that for every pound he spends at the pump he can drive 7 and 1/2 miles.
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