Prospects - Wednesday, 20 February, 2008
- 20 Feb 08, 10:21 AM
Today's programme producer is Carol Rubra - here is her early email to the team.
Good morning,
There are a few interesting stories around today but there's lots of space for other things, or a different lead? Please come with your own ideas.
Immigration and citizenship. We'll find out this morning. The reforms of incapacity benefit, reforms to rules for long term unemployed.
I'd like us to look at the spy satellite story - the US have said they will shoot down a spy satellite which will otherwise crash into earth sometime in the next 24 hours. China and Russia have complained. Is this the next step in the space arms race or a necessary act to protect the earth?
Our film today: Stephanie has a film about the secretive world of Sovereign Wealth Funds, massive state owned investment funds that have risen out of the oil economies and now have trillions of dollars to invest around the world.
And there is space for another story so please come with ideas on what we should do and how. Perhaps something light for the end of the programme?
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Why not do something on the latest
scandal to emerge from The British Council? They have just appointed
a former Colgate toothpaste exec
as their new 'Operations Director'
- just in time for this week's big
arms export event in New Delhi and
a further push by BAE Systems to
consolidate their market position.
British Council is doing its bit as usual with the aid of teddy bears
and a school twinning link with a
'cluster' (sic) of schools around
the factory in Brough where Hawk
trainer jets for India are made!!
Ethics aside, what is perhaps a
bit surprising however is that
The British Council claims to
be a charity ..... and 'at arms
(sic) length from Government -
though naturally connected with it'
(Baroness Helena Kennedy QC)
See page 6 of the latest issue of
'Private Eye' and also this blog:
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See page 34 of the Standard another good Newsnight puff :-)
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I would love it if Gabriela Montero would finish the programme with a Boney M classical mash-up, but it would be very annoying to have another tantalising glimpse of her talents when she appears to have no plans to tour the UK..
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Stocks- page 34 Evening Standard
Good puff for Newsnight ! :-)
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I suggest the Dalai Lama playing the spoons. The madness of the world is epitomised in Tibet where the worst aspect of mankind met and devoured the best.
"DL" - as he would be known as a spoon player - would get rave tabloid notices, while his message remains ignored.
That should be light enough - right?
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I suggest the Dalai Lama playing the spoons. The madness of the world is epitomised in Tibet where the worst aspect of mankind met and devoured the best.
"DL" - as he would be known as a spoon player - would get rave tabloid notices, while his message remains ignored.
That should be light enough - right?
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wheres emily...ive not seen her for months!! when is she next around
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I suggest the Dalai Lama playing the spoons. The madness of the world is epitomised in Tibet where the worst aspect of mankind met and devoured the best.
"DL" - as he would be known as a spoon player - would get rave tabloid notices, while his message remains ignored.
That should be light enough - right?
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emily is doing bbc one news try switching channels
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emily is doing bbc one news try switching channels
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Barrie (#5,#6, #8) Nicely put. I admire the Scandinavians for having moved as far North as they could and isolating themselves from the manics further South. The Northern Chinese etc are much the same.
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