Internet protocols, anyone?
Stephen Stewart left a comment here a few days ago suggesting that the would ban the internet if their new are anything to go by. That's called hyperbole in the trade; but he knows more than a thing or two about the internet, and he makes some interesting points about how local churches are sluggish about developing web opportunities. He writes:
There are a number of things which disappoint me about all this but they all revolve around the fact that PCI doesn’t have a dedicated Board of Interwebness.
If the Assembly does get round to establishing that board, I hope they won't call its chair a "convenor". The obvious title, already popular in web parlance, is "moderator". On the other hand, could that be why Presbyterians in Ireland are slow to develop web opportunities -- they already have enough moderators to worry about?
I dont know if they want to ban the internet but their website looks so terrible you have to wonder ...