Welcome to our new blog
- 20 May 05, 12:00 AM
And finally our new wizzy weblog is live. We've been giving hints about it in our weekly newsletter for a little while now but now it's here. What do you mean you don't subscribe to our newsletter?
So now, as well as reading all the entries in our blog, you can also comment on them. Click on the bit that says 'comments' and has a number beside it, and you'll get through to the page where you can leave a message about this individual entry. It also gives you the chance to shout about your own weblog or site, within reason; see our weblog frequently asked questions page.
We've been testing out the new weblog system for months. We think it's working well and is nice and simple to use. If, however, you discover any difficulties with the new service then send us an email.
We hope you like it and will also continue to send us ideas for what we should include as entries to the same email address above. Oh, and you'll notice everything is posted in categories too now, which will help you find what you're interested in.
Wow , what a great weblog, another way that I can interact with you lovely Ouch! team( Who moaned!!) joke! You lot love me really! Keep up the good work, and I will see you lot soon!