- 6 Jun 05, 12:00 AM
I'm taking another look at sites out there in the disability blogosphere, thanks to people sending their URLs into the Ouch inbox. Remember - if you've got a site you think we'd like, drop us a line. Beeping onto my radar today are the following two blogs.
South Park fans will no doubt instantly recognise the title of this site: (it's based on the way Timmy from the series says his name, just in case you don't know what on Earth I'm going on about). Timothy's blog is "a mix of amateurish CSS and Mac OS X tips" - ooh, technical! - "interspersed with my observations on life with muscular dystrophy. Clicking around his site, I also discovered Timothy's rather terrific "disabled amateur's photoblog" called . Nice pics.
Also worth a click of your mouse is . Bert's a regular on our messageboards, where he enjoys the "in depth and if not strange discussions". (Strange? Is our messageboard strange?!) As a starting point to Bert's blog, I recommend you check out his marvellous post about, er, . Honest, it's not as odd as it sounds.
Bert here. Thank you for posting me up here on your humble red abode. I appreciate it a lot and will from this point take good care not to post anything silly - or too silly.
Loved the blogs, they're both great. I'm enjoying being part of the blogosphere too, writing different posts. Check out the posts Ouch staff and readers, you will like them as I have written quite a good selection and Damon and Vaughan will love the post about me meeting them!