Young disabled persons £2,000 bursary
- 28 Jun 05, 12:00 AM
You have just two months left to fleece out of a
considerable amount of wonga to help you with life and career development. Read on.
If you're aged 17-25, have big ideas and can impress the board at the mega charity (who seem to be taking over the disability world at the moment), then maybe you ought to stick in an application form for this . It could make reaching those goals that bit easier.
The charity's website says: "The bursary is intended to give you a chance to broaden your horizons and expand your capacity to make a positive impact in relation to your chosen cause". It suggests that the winning applicant might, for instance, wish to use it to fund: additional studies, expanding your mind through travel or to help test a project idea you have.
Additional benefits include access to a network of senior people through Scope patron David Grayson, and possible mentoring opportunities.
The bursary runs in tandem with their famous graduate calibre scheme. All applications to be in by 26 August. What are you waiting for?
go for it everyone and learn a trade like me on the computer 2000 will go a long way in learning to be independent william watkins
Nah man i just want an mp3 player basically. What's that address?