Venus de Milo disabled?
- 14 Sep 05, 12:00 AM
Crippled Monkey's Quote of the Day Award (an irregular feature that will probably never return) goes to disabled artist Alison Lapper who, as you probably know by now, will be immortalised on the fourth plinth in London's Trafalgar Square when an 11.5 tonne white marble sculpture of her is unveiled on Thursday. In an interview in newspaper, Alison answers the critics who say that such a prominent place in the heart of London should not be given over to a statue of a disabled (shock!) naked (horror!) woman with the following comment:
"No-one ever thinks of the Venus de Milo as disabled . . . No-one ever looks at her and asks: 'What welfare benefit was she on?'"
Go Alison!
Ouch links:
Pregnant Alison sculpture not art? by Victoria Lucas
Child of our Time: Alison Lapper by Emma Bowler