7th Disability Film Festival
- 13 Oct 05, 12:00 AM
Coming soon to London's National Film Theatre is the , between 30 November and 4 December. This 5-day event will showcase some of the disability-related films and televisual media around at the moment.
The festival kicks off on the 30th at 6.30pm with a screening of , described as: "a sparkling song and dance epic of sibling rivalry starring the incomparable Kuty, India's one-legged dance sensation.".
Over the following days, a wide variety of films will be shown, including about a wheelchair soccer team, , exploring issues of deafness in India, and - a 2-minute short which aims to give the "definitive answer to this burning question".
The event ends with the screening of US box office hit , about "the story of a group of world-class athletes and their journey from the gyms of middle America to the Athens Olympics.".
If you're going, maybe I'll see you there.
It sounds like a good event so I hope you enjoy it - I cannot go myself as for one thing its too expensive to go to London, and for another, I will probably be training in my town with my new guide dog that I get in a couple of weeks (I cannot wait!) - make sure to tell us after (via the message board?) what you think of it!