Poetry competition," Away from the Flock"
, interdisciplinary arts organisation run by, and for, survivors of the mental health system and
of mental distress, have just launched a poetry competition.
The Away From The Flock poetry competition, takes the idea of being an outsider as its theme. "How does it feel to not be part of the flock? What is it like losing your place in the flock through mental illness? How do you find your way back?"
According to the organisers, "poems are welcome from survivors of the mental health system and of mental distress." Entries will be judged by renowned poetry performance company . Andrew Motion, Poet Laureate and Creative Routes patron, will announce a shortlist of six at a ceremony on Thursday 11 January at the Young Vic Theatre, and The winner will be crowned Laureate on Saturday 2 June 2007. In addition to this, the successful entrant will be offered performance opportunities.
Please mark submissions 'Away From The Flock Poetry Competition'
and send to: Apples & Snakes, Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, SW11 5TN with your name and contact details. Closing date is Friday 29 December 2006.