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26 Apr 06, 10:47 AM - Is President Bush disabled?
And now for a couple of mental health stories that recently caught Crippled Monkey's attention.
First, there's a bit of a scandal breaking across the Atlantic as it's by US researchers that most of the experts who wrote the manual widely used in America to diagnose mental illness have had financial ties to makers of drugs. They're now calling for full disclosure of the relationships between companies and the medical experts who put togther the snappily-named Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Of course, this could be something that the US President himself might like to look into as, allegedly, according to a new book by Professor Justin Frank, an American psychiatrist, . So there you go. Er, allegedly. Again.
Professor Frank says that Bush exhibits classic signs of having paranoid schizophrenia, which lead him to "believe hs is omnipotent and able to operate outside the law", plus that he could be "driven by his medical condition to invent and then destroy enemies to demonstrate his power to the world".
The White House has refused to comment, other than offering a curt: "We don't do book reviews".
At 02:58 PM on 26 Apr 2006, Neil wrote:
George Bush,mental illness?
He is on first name terms with god,for goodness sake
Ask yourself would god talk to a nutter?
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At 10:41 PM on 26 Apr 2006, FPG wrote:
"Would God talk to a nutter?"
Is that meant to be ironic, or just offensive?
Us 'nutters' make much better conversation than the rest of you 'normal' people anyway. Why wouldn't He? :-)
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At 03:23 PM on 27 Apr 2006, paul wrote:
Ah mental illness...who is a nutter? Many top businessmen are classed as pyschopaths, and I'd rather read some comments about the article than silly backbiting. The fact that he needed to finish listening to the story about the elephant before doing anything about a couple of aeroplanes embedded in the twin towers doesn't help his case. And I DON'T think god could use big words with georgie boy anyways.
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At 05:05 PM on 27 Apr 2006, FPG wrote:
Personally, I don't see how people seem to think they can diagnose people with illnesses without even meeting them. At least Bush is still alive, it's the diagnosing of long dead people with mental illness that gets me - how can you possibly diagnose someone with something as complex as mental illness without ever meeting them?! Seems a tad unprofessional to me.
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At 08:58 PM on 27 Apr 2006, Jeff Cowen wrote:
Hmmmmm...According to all the movies I've ever seen God is always talking to nutters (or is it nutters are always talking to God?). In any case it seems as though us nut cases are God's chosen few. I'm a little worried at the thought of Mr. Bush joining our holy ranks.
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At 10:35 AM on 28 Apr 2006, Neil wrote:
"Is that meant to be ironic, or just offensive?"
Hmmm.It's just an off the cuff remark about a piece of publicity puff for a book.
If G or Georgy are offended then I will surely end up in hell or Guantamo,since one is (allegedly) omnipotent and the other thinks he is (allegedly)
Switching from flippancy mode...
While accepting the enormous relief that pharmaceutical industries have provided and continue to provide,I have good reason to question the ethics of the corporate bodies that control them.
A prime example is the programme on last night about medical trials in India? without gaining informed consent.
With the vast amounts of money spent and made by these companies the idea that transparancy and disclosure will prevail is highly unlikely.
It may be that in this case the revelation that medical experts were in the pay of drug companies will result in a few slapped wrists but I expect it will be business as usual tomorrow.
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