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24 May 06, 10:15 AM - Jilly Cooper's new disabled character
Jilly Cooper is best known as the writer of 'bonkbuster' novels the size of a small brick, which take place in amongst the posh horsey set. Not any more. Her new book is called Wicked! and not only does it take place in sleep suburbia and feature social problems a-plenty, but one of the characters, Feral Jackson (Feral? Feral??!!), has learning difficulties.
Er, unfortunately, according to in yesterday's Daily Telegraph, that's about all there is to be said for the novel. Oh dear.
But, well, y'know, if there are any Jilly Cooper fans amongst our readers, do feel free to report back to Crippled Monkey on the portrayal of this character.
At 03:40 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Stephanie Sowden wrote:
That review was utter nonsense. I have yet to read a bad novel from Jilly. Just because she is a touch steriotypical in this????? Whats the problem?? Still a fantastic read, still couldn't put it down. I suggest you swap jobs with me, see if you get that correct!!!
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