Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
17 Jul 06, 11:53 AM - Computer says you're dead
George Jacobs, 66, a disabled fella living off benefits, was turned away when he went to receive his latest cheque because the records showed he was dead.
"I said to the woman, 'How on earth can I be dead? I'm standing right here in front of you!'." reports People's Post in an article entitled .
George isn't going to push the matter too much though because the shopping vouchers he is receiving to cover this emergency period, are worth more than his usual grant.
Red tape, eh?
At 12:38 PM on 17 Jul 2006, Trad Punk wrote:
Wasn't it in Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy where someone spent a year dead for tax purposes? What are the other fiscal benefits of spending a bit of time not alive?
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At 10:45 PM on 20 Jul 2006, William Levack wrote:
I believe that in 2003 Lal Bihari of Uttar Pradesh, India, was awarded an Ig Noble Prize for Peace for his achievements as a legally dead person. These included continuing to lead an active life, waging a lively campaign against discrimination of legally dead people, and for creating the Association of Dead People. (Information about this organisation can be found at the following website: Ig Noble Prizes are parody of the Nobel Prizes, but still seem to command a large amount of respect (or at least attention) from the scientific community. Ten Ig Noble Prizes are awarded every year, usually for achievements that "first make people laugh, then make them think." Perhaps with a little more effort, George Jacobs could be a contender?
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At 09:54 AM on 26 Jul 2006, wrote:
You have brought something to my mind I have been thinking about a lot! At 66 yrs. old, I am closer to Death Than ever before!
I have asked this question to a few people and they don't want to think about it!
When you Die, will you know you are Dead? If so, by what means?
I appreciate this opportunately to Post this!
Thank You,
"Gary" Searles
Palmdle, California
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