Retro Remakes
- 7 Sep 06, 1:58 PM
Barrie Ellis is looking for disabled gamers, testers and reviewers. Here's his plea for help from the Game Accessibility forum:
"The Retro Remakes 2006 Competition closes tonight. As I speak 60+ games have been uploaded to - Now it's time to play!
It would be very arrogant of me to say whether or not these games are accessible or not without consulting disabled gamers and others interested in this field.
So... As the games become available from tomorrow, I would love to hear people's thoughts.
Please feel free to post on or e-mail me at or to e-mail the IGDA's Game Accessibility SIG e-mail list at games_access[at]"
I have noticed a lack of games in the old retro styles that caterfor disabled gamers. We would love to hear about how you get on as we have just started the countdown for the "The Voyager Crusade" is a challenge to all up-and-coming game designers of PC games to design and program an original, innovative, but above all playable game, using the technology from the golden age of video gaming. The challenge is the brainchild of Jonathan Thompson aka 鈥淛T鈥, the man behind the 鈥淰oyager鈥 arcade cabinets and game systems and the competition starts on 21-2-07 at a launch party to be held in the newly opened FAB Cafe in Liverpool. the night will be opened by Jonathan and pop star Clint Boon. They will be joined with collage representatives and university representatives. The night will also be covered by TV as well as international, national and local media.