Disability comedy on YouTube
- 16 Oct 06, 10:59 AM
Monkey has been cruising the Information Superhighway (smirk) for disability comedy. There's got to be something out there to laugh at, yes? Especially if the Ouch Podcast is binned and TV channels still edit disabled people's lives down to the size of 'interesting documentaries about what's wrong wiv us'.
Enter YouTube. I spent a good half an hour yesterday surfin' around and discovered a gem! Not made by disabled people but spot on humour.
. A spoof documentary item from Australia about an inspirational fella who works in a home for people with odd disabilities ... gawed if only there were more like him. (Warning, not hugely strong language but a little).
While we're about it, check out this spoof advertisement for a child's doll called
You got any disability humour you'd like to share with Monkey?
Hmm... Not sure I would class those Youtube clips as humour.
Aww, bless - those Aussies are triers, aren't they?
hi yah.
they are sooooooooooooo cool!!!!
keep im coming!!!!!!
Aussie one was class...not sure about the doll but i enjoyed both.
The "ad" for the disabled doll was fun/cool. I'd like to know where to get a tiny wheelchair like that one for an idea someone on our disability forum (https://sci.rutgers.edu/forum/index.php) had.
The ausie "joke" is just silly.
What's making Shinining Time Station take so long to get on YouTube? These are the episodes I'm excited to see:
Does It Bite?
And the Band Played Off
Pitching In and Helping Out
Show and Yell
Faith, Hope and Anxiety
Agree to Disagree
Whistle While You Work
Ring in the Old (Thomas
Impractical Jokes
Just Wild About Harry's Workshop
Promises, Promises
Words Out
Oh, What a Tangled Web
Yabba, Yabba, Yabba
Nickel in a Pickle
Stop the Press
Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
Schemer's Robot
Billy's Runaway Train
Bad Luck Day at Shining Time Station
The Joke's on Schemer
Dance Crazy
Mr. Conductor Gets Left Out
Mr. Conductor's Big Sleepwalk
The Mayor Runs for Re-Election
Stacy Says No
Once Upon a Time
Missing Whistles
For The Birds
Wish You Were Here