Midweek blog round-up
- 8 Nov 06, 3:29 PM
The nights are drawing in, it's getting cold, so here's some of the best disability related blog content for a chilly winter evening: it's time for another blog round up.
has cerebral palsy, and describes her blog as 'the life experiences of a well seasoned woman who has beaten the odds by meeting life's challenges as a person living with a physical disability'. She lives in California and has a BA in Journalism and a MS in rehab counselling. This week, she's blogging about her nightmare journey from California to Ukiah:
"In Martinez, I went to get on the bus, only to be told the wheelchair lift did not work. I must have had fire in my eyes as I said, "You've got to be kidding!" There was another bus there with a lift, so the drivers traded buses. When the driver put me on the bus, I said I WOULD SHOW HER HOW TO TIE DOWN THE SCOOTER. All of a sudden we were on the road and I was not tied down. As I struggled to remain upright, a passenger asked if I wanted her to tie my scooter down. She did, but one tie was not tight enough and I tipped half way over slamming into the side of the bus."
Read the full post at
Our favourite entry at this week is all about the disability hierarchy:
"I wrote a post last Friday about the disability hierarchy; the way in which not only are disabled people subject to discriminatory treatment as a group, but that some disabled people are treated with far more discrimination than others. I was feeling very foggy that day and decided that being a sensitive and complex subject, I should take it down and sit on it until I was feeling brighter. I've sat on it for a week and edited it some."
Read the full post at
Big news this week has been the proposals for the "mercy killing" of severely disabled babies. is debating just that:
"My parents were told, at the beginning that I was unlikely to live. Then, they were told that I would most likely be cognitively impaired. Had they acted on the advice that 'doctors' in London are discussing today: We would have missed beaches, lakes, amusement parks, plays, concerts, (from onstage as well as the audience), countless family get togethers adolescent and collegiate drama, love, marriage, midlife crises, friendships, mistakes, working, fighting, writing, advising...and the parts that were lousy *would have been lousy if I was able too*"
Read the full post at
Do you know of a blog we should be featuring on these pages? Tell us about it at ouch@bbc.co.uk