Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
5 Feb 07, 1:14 PM - Wheelchair backflip!
Now, Crippled Monkey would advise you to zoom straight through the text of - because, frankly, it's just full of the usual cobblers about "inspirational" disabled people pushing the boundaries (or even going beyond boundaries, maybe? Arf!) - and head for the video clip at the end. It shows 15-year-old US teenager Aaron Fotheringham "nailing" the world's first ever wheelchair backflip. KEWL! (as American kids probably say.)
Of course, Crippled Monkey would like to show Ouch's faithful readers my own extraordinary skills at wheelchair backflipping ... but, er, I've got a bit of a headache. Yes. A headache. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking by it.
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