Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
25 May 07, 11:38 AM - Help test the emergency services
Are you in the London area? Would you like to help test the readiness of the emergency services to respond to a chemical or biological attack?
This may be a rather unusual appeal for Ouch's weblog, but on Friday 8 June from 10.00am to 4.00pm the London Borough of Hackney is running Exercise Springclean on Hackney Marshes, which will comprise a simulated attack on a music festival and how the emergency services would deal with such an event. Volunteers would pretend to be injured or contaminated and may be asked to go through the decontamination process and taken to rest centres elsewhere in the borough.
And this is where you come in. The organisers are keen to get disabled people involved in the exercise to see how the services would deal with us. Could you help? Do you fancy a day out on Hackney Marshes, with free breakfast, lunch, refreshments and transport laid on?
For more information contact Marie Hartley, the Emergency Planning Officer for Hackney, on 020 8356 2186 or email marie.hartley@hackney.gov.uk.
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