Get a new disability on Facebook!
- 10 Apr 08, 3:13 PM
Looking for an entirely new impairment? Bored with the one you've got? No problem! Get yourself over to , and in a couple of clicks you could get yourself a different disability!
Okay, I'm exaggerating. Just a bit. But Ouch reader Mike Boyd drew our attention to an odd little foible in the behaviour of the social networking site, when he left a comment on Disability Bitch's latest ill-tempered rant. Bitchy, like just about everyone these days, has a Facebook page, but the software's requirements for people to have proper first and last names mean that it informally addresses the fearsome one as 'Disability'. So if you're not a member or not logged in to the service when you click on her Facebook link from Ouch, you receive the following message:

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you can pick up a new disability through social networking.