Ouch! Talk Show 74: Laurence Clark is a health hazard
"We used head pointer gadgets before you ever did", Laurence Clark's Edinburgh Fringe show and The Kids of Widney High are our unsigned musicians. Mat Fraser and Liz Carr present.
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• Liz unearths a picture of a new smart phone product which, for all the world, looks like a head wand pointer that disabled people used to use a lot. Prompting a discussion about how the mainstream market is waking up to the benefits that disability inspired gizmos can bring.

• Edinburgh Fringe show 'Health Hazard' looks at how disabled people fare in the competition-driven health service in the USA and imagines a less disability friendly NHS should reforms take place here. Lots of comedy there, then? A great interview.
• The cast of Glee join us. Oh no, sorry, I mean , all the way from Sunset Boulevard in LA. We talk to them and hear their track 'Life without the cow'.
Coming soon
An hour long summer special will hit your ears and hit your mp3 players in early August. Golf, swimming and not offending people with a speech impairment appear to be on the agenda (Rob's idea). Presented by Liz Carr and Rob Crossan.
Comment number 1.
At 11th Oct 2011, damien87 wrote:I feel laurence was good when he was a political cartoonist, but later he lost his charm.
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Comment number 2.
At 4th Feb 2012, sunnyahuja wrote:I agree with you friend ;-)
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Comment number 3.
At 13th Mar 2012, al-fred wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 4.
At 14th Mar 2012, al-fred wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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