International Assistance Dog Week
It is all about cute and clever canines this week as the work of guide and assistance dogs is acknowledged and celebrated around the world.

According to the , this event was "created to recognise all the devoted, hardworking assistance guide dogs helping individuals mitigate their disability related limitations."
The stated goals of International Assistance Dog Week are to recognise and honour guide dogs, to raise awareness and educate the public, to honour puppy raisers and trainers and to recognise the deeds performed by assistance animals in communities.
there are special events happening around the world to mark the week including visits to training centres, graduation ceremonies for puppies and duck race fundraisers.
Ouch! has featured its fair share of cute assistance animals over the years.
As part of the My Adapted Life video series, meet Lorna Marsh and her canine partner Ely.
And Andrea, one of our student diarists, introduced us to her beloved guide dog Cara.
Unusually, we also met Tabitha and her guide horse Trixie. Not strictly an assistance dog, but we couldn't leave the pony out. They wear little slippers on their hooves while indoors you know. Aww!
International Assistance Dog Week runs 7-13 August 2011.
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