Working up to a great podcast this month

Liz Carr and Rob Crossan are presenting a dark dark dark show as winter sets in and the world appears to be imploding financially and in all sorts of other ways. We ask ... what would happen to disabled people if a serious incident hit us?
Regular presenter Mat Fraser is currently in Japan where we believe he's fighting disabled people who have lived through the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear accident.
You'd have thought they'd been through enough really but what better than to send the UK's favourite Thalidomider out there for a bit of a bundle? I'm sure we must have got the wrong end of the stick a little bit though, perhaps deliberately, so interested to hear the details. He'll be joining us by phone.
Other highlights: campaigner Nicky Clark, artist Bobby Baker, disability sport dude Tony Garrett and singer Kayla Kavanagh. Well, if they all turn up.
It goes live next week. Listen out for it and get your friends and colleagues to subscribe.
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