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The Glass Box for Tuesday

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Eddie Mair | 16:44 UK time, Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Welcome to the Glass Box for Tuesday - the place where you can comment on what you heard on PM, interact with other listeners and get responses from the people who make the programme. We hope this will be a useful tool for you and for us. Just click on the "comment" link. If you've never commented on the Blog before - don't worry. There's a simple registration process you only have to go through once.

Don't worry either if you didn't catch the whole programme, or were busy doing other things and not giving us your full attention. If there was something that "caught your ear" we want to hear about it.

The Glass Box is named after the booth outside the PM studio where we all discuss the programme at 18.00 every weeknight. We try to be honest and constructive. Sometimes there is criticism, and the criticised get a chance to explain themselves.

And so it should be here. The people who make PM will read the comments posted, and will sometimes respond. Please feel free to post your thoughts. There is a link to previous Glass Boxes on the right.
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  1. At 04:44 PM on 01 May 2007, The Reverend Green wrote:

    Mind the Gap!

  2. At 04:46 PM on 01 May 2007, The Reverend Green wrote:

    The gap, mind it!

  3. At 04:52 PM on 01 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    "attitudes to the union", Eddie? What, the TGWU? Unison? Or BECTU, or NUJ?

    Haha, I know. Double timely, with the 300th anniversary as well as the SNP's predicted success (ha! predicitions!) on Thursday.

    While I applaud the non-London-centric view that has crept into NCA coverage recently, may I carp?

    Thank you.

    When are you lot going to remember that there are elections in WALES as well. Hmm?

    Carp over

  4. At 05:11 PM on 01 May 2007, Peter Hurrell wrote:

    I would like to know from your Colleagues or others as to whether there are any grounds to challenge the grounds for the Local District Elections on the basis that one Party is using the offices and equipment of a Local/District Council at their own benefit in deference to that being given to the other parties.
    We have the position here in our area where that is the case and on the basis of fairness and impartiality of a Local/District Council this indirectly shows favoured standing and in effect gives tacit approval by the Locl/District Council to the Party aspiring to be elected.
    I have taken a view from a lawyer who suggests that the impartiality of the Local/District Council is being compromised and impaired.
    Is this being copied around the Country by others?

  5. At 05:24 PM on 01 May 2007, Bedd Gelert wrote:

    Gosh, that Robert Peston is an excitable fellow !!

  6. At 05:25 PM on 01 May 2007, Liz Kirby wrote:

    Please could you explain to your business correspondent that there is a world of difference between a 'rent boy' and consenting sex between adults that has been arranged through the internet.

  7. At 05:31 PM on 01 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Elections? What elections? The ward I live in contains so many people who will always vote blue that nobody offered to stand against him.

    I wonder what would happen to electoral turnout if RON was included as an option...

    (RON - Re-Open Nominations - i.e. dissatisfied with all standing candidates)


    Meanwhile, no mention of awards in the 5pm news summary - is Eric waiting until the final slot (5:55) before giving a virtuoso performance on his trumpet (let's face it, we know he's been practising all day)?

  8. At 05:40 PM on 01 May 2007, VT Thinblot wrote:

    Your item on the hope that gene therapy can be used to restore sight prompted me to wonder if you'd care to mention another sight-related story: that of 84-year-old Dennis Devier, refused treatment by Oxfordshire PCT for wet age-related macular degeneration that will blind him if left untreated, and leave him unable to care for his disabled wife.

    PCT's may have responsibility for their own budgets, but the ultimate responsibility for such a clear and cruel injustice as this lies with the Government. We consider ourselves a modern, enlightened, developed nation, yet we're prepared to let our citizens go blind when it's perfectly preventable.

    The Government must act to ensure that Mr Devier and others in similar need get the treatment they need, and that the callous whims of PCT managers cannot prevail. This is the whole point of having a Labour Government. Fail on issues like this and there seems no point at all.

    You can read the whole story at

  9. At 05:52 PM on 01 May 2007, Rachel wrote:

    I found the first ten minutes on the Lord Brown of BP rather baffling in a frustrating sort of way. I suppose it was because it was so hedged by legal traps that it was difficult to get to the heart of the story. Robert Peston did finally manage to lay the story out in a way I could follow and explain why it mattered. However, he sounded so hesitant and uncomfortable with it all that it was quite hard to listen to him.

    I like Peston's storytelling, but I am not familiar with his CV, and he sounds like a journalist who has moved from print to broadcasting. He really needs to go on a fairly basic course to teach him how to get out the ers and ums and then I'll like him even better. In his defence, I suppose the story broke late and he will have been running around chasing it up without much time to prepare his script.

  10. At 05:53 PM on 01 May 2007, wrote:

    Can I just check something? Did I really hear Mr Farage say that the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly should be scrapped, but that an English Parliament be set up? That really ought to have been challenged, I think, as it shows a distict bias for one part of the UK to the expense of all others....

    FFred (an Englishman).

    btw, if I misheard, then sorry for taking up the space on the blog :-)

  11. At 06:00 PM on 01 May 2007, Karen wrote:

    I thought Mr Hussein was thought provoking - that interview stopped me in my tracks. Really good call including that one.

  12. At 06:02 PM on 01 May 2007, Markham Weavill wrote:

    What has the ´óÏó´«Ã½ come to when it leads a News programme with tittle tattle about the sexual prefererances of an industrailist. What consenting adults do between themselves in private is their own concern. Shame on the ´óÏó´«Ã½.

  13. At 06:26 PM on 01 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Tony Bennett or the Sony Awards/The Sony Awards or Tony Bennett? -

    No contest really, was it, Eddie?

  14. At 06:28 PM on 01 May 2007, Brian V Peck wrote:

    RE: the awards..well done Ed, Peter et al and now a little bit of Peck's realism for the 'masses'. As I have it on very good authority; that a very rich pop star listed in the Sunday Times Rich List (where else, 2007) was recently complaining about the price of steak in little Britian...now I know for sure why the wonderful Bill Bryson once wrote that the best way to 'perceive Britian is through the eyes of the insane'...especially when 1000 people has 360 billion, in assets (wealth) and at-least 12 million live in relative poverty.

    Brian V Peck

  15. At 06:32 PM on 01 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Two items stood out for me this evening - the one about the Union and the one concerning Mr Hussein.
    Congratulations on finding contributors who spoke clearly, articulately and calmly about passionate and emotive issues.
    There was true discussion taking place, enhanced by the space and time they were allocated, punctuated by well-placed questions.
    Oh and by the way, thank you for broadcasting Peter Rippon thanking the Froggers.....!

  16. At 06:33 PM on 01 May 2007, Electric Dragon wrote:

    Rev. Green, I think Eddie took your advice a bit too much to heart! The shame of it, speaking over the sacred bongs....

  17. At 06:38 PM on 01 May 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    I hadn't heard the news before about your success at the Sony's, many congratulations.

    I take it, that it was your decision, "I've got the gongs, so I'll Crash the bongs".

    Well done matey you've got style.


  18. At 07:07 PM on 01 May 2007, Margaret Stoll wrote:

    Typical. Your lengthy piece on the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union was heavily-skewed towards Scottish opinion - why doesn't that surprise me? All the Scottish politicians had an opinion to express. The only Englishman was Nigel Farage of UKIP, even though the survey you quoted had been taken in both Scotland and England.

    Why couldn't you have asked Robin Tilbrook or Christine Constable of the English Democrats Party, or Scilla Cullen of the Campaign for an English Parliament? I was quite impressed that last week you actually interviewed Nick Griffin of the BNP, or rather, Shaun Ley did on the 'World at One'.

    We have become used to all comment about England coming out of Scottish mouths, so no surprise really, but a disappointment. Look at this:

    This march was actually prevented from going past the Houses of Parliament by order of the Speaker of the House, a Scot from a Glasgow constituency. So a Scot can prevent peaceable Englishmen and Englishwomen marching past the Mother of Parliaments! That really does say it all.

  19. At 08:05 PM on 01 May 2007, Lucie wrote:

    Just wanted some details really. The very articulate young man who spoke on extreme islamic groups, i would like his name and did i hear right, he's written a book. So, if you can help me, can i have the title of that too. Thank you.

  20. At 08:17 PM on 01 May 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Margaret (18):

    I think that anti-protest law was created specifically to prevent Brian Haw from protesting outside parliament. All the other protests that have been kept out of sight of MPs have been "jam" to the government. If I remember correctly, wasn't it David Blunkett who brought that law in? Or possibly Charles Clarke. Neither Scottish as far as I know.

  21. At 08:28 PM on 01 May 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Markham (12): surely the whole point of this story is that it isn't about sexual tittle tattle. An important industrialist has resigned his job. And not because of his sexuality or his private actions, but because he lied (according to the judge) in evidence submitted to the court. A similar lapse sent Jonathan Aitken to jail. That makes it a story that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ has to cover.

  22. At 08:33 PM on 01 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Very much appreciated the piece with Ed Husain, both the time and space given to it and his very lucid and articulate description of why he was attracted to radical Islam.

    Informative, thought provoking, PM at its best.

    Endorse the comments about the Robert Peston piece. He did sound as if he was stumbling around trying to work out what he was allowed to say. It did become clear eventually that there might be a legitimate business interest in the story rather than just a tale of sexual preferences and lies told in court, but a bit more preparation might have helped. .

  23. At 10:35 PM on 01 May 2007, wrote:

    Thank goodness you had Robert Peston (´óÏó´«Ã½ Business editor) to make sense of the Lord Browne story. He's very good, albeit somehat dynamic.

    Re: Margaret Stoll. I did notice a little Scottish bias but hey, it was an interesting story.

    Nice to hear the audio for the 'Sony award' - Peter looked gorgeous in his suit and Dickie.

    Oh by the way :- 'Helping hand' published this on the refuge site - The link was quite interesting especially for the Froggers.


    Helping hand said :- I thought other froggers might be intrigued to see the following, found on a google search.

    All I'll say is, hmmmmm.

  24. At 10:47 PM on 01 May 2007, lurker wrote:

    Fearless Fred #10 and others,

    I may be wrong, this was what I understood Farage to *mean*, which was not really what he said.

    I'm no UKIP supporter, but I think their stance is that everyone elects an MP to the Westminster Parliament for the UK. But for certain [most?] days, the Scots MPs [meet at Holyrood, I presume], the Welsh MPs [meet in Cardiff], the N Irish MPs [meet at Stormont] and the English MPs [meet at Westminster?] to deal with the matters for their own countries, and then all meet up on other days at Westminster to deal with Union matters.

  25. At 08:42 AM on 02 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Lucie (18) Ed Husain 'The Islamist', a web search suggests it is due for publication tomorrow May 3rd. You can find more on the Penguin Books website.

  26. At 08:58 AM on 02 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Missed the Lord Brown story but have to agree about Mr Peston, very good and insightful, obviously knowledgable just needs to slow down a bit to miss those verbal stumbles (but I quite like him....)

    Mr Hussein - a very very good piece, in contrast to the 10 years on bit. I'm glad they all seem to have enjoyed their lives since (and congrats to the gent who met his SO) but it didn't much reflect 10 year under Blair did it? Found it a bit dull.

    Great to hear mention of froggers and the bongs...classic crashage, I'm sure I noticed a jump in Eddies voice! :)

  27. At 09:29 AM on 02 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Jonnie (23) Thanks for the link, Jonnie.
    I did try to post a response here a minute ago, in terms which I thought Jem Stone might better relate to, but it was deemed ''malicious''. Enough said?

  28. At 09:47 AM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Re: Reverend and witchiwoman :-

    In my humble opinion - the crash was fine - certainly better than a gaping gap. As I've mentioned before, if the person driving the mixing desk kept BIG Ben's fader a little lower then it would have been fine.

    It's only Radio and it's 'what they do'

  29. At 09:52 AM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    RE; Gillian:- Admire pictures of the snow - It's what *we* do!

    I saw your comment on the refuge :-)

  30. At 11:25 AM on 02 May 2007, Carl wrote:

    Big Ben obviously wanted to 'interact' with the award winning interactive programme!!
    Surely the only important part of the bongs is the first bong.. could we not just have that, and 20 or so more seconds of Eddie?

  31. At 11:53 AM on 02 May 2007, Eddie Mair wrote:


    Jonnie, you'll just have to learn to enjoy the silence. We're not afraid of it on radio 4, but I can't speak for you former ILR chaps ;o)

    To be serious the bongs are really the theme to the 1800 rather than part of PM. I rather like the moment or two - it draws people in to what I think is probably the best and most dramatic "theme" on radio. To fade it under would lose that for me.

    Yes I wish it started at the same time every night - that would be a joy. Last night they started at 17.59.35...earlier in the week 17.59.39. And they can, and have (!) started at 17.59.33 which is when I try to shut up.

    So yes, the LOOOOONG gap is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG gap. But I rather like it. To hear the street sounds around Westminster - the odd siren etc. Learn to love it. Silence is not an enemy in radio.

  32. At 12:15 PM on 02 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    I'm with you on that one, Eddie - love hearing the sound of the street below. It helps me to visualise Westminster (an area where I used to work and which I still visit on a regular basis).

    Don't worry about the gap. It give Rev Green something to write about, anyway. (And he's promised to let me know when he publishes this rivetting account of nothingness)

  33. At 12:45 PM on 02 May 2007, Otter wrote:

    I thought the interview with Mr Husain was excellent. I look forward to reading his book.

  34. At 12:48 PM on 02 May 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Oh how strange, I was just about to post about the silence before the bongs. I like it and you know why? It gives an air of gravitas to Big Ben bonging for 6pm; it suggests that it is this big moment where we should all sit up and listen intently because something important is about to be announced. The 5pm pips do this on a smaller scale, but there is just something grandeous about Big Ben and I think the pre-bong silence helps to perpetuate that, like the hushed quiet before an orchestra is about to begin.

    And talking about grand things, these pictures are spectacular:

  35. At 12:50 PM on 02 May 2007, The Reverend Green wrote:

    That's right Mr Mair, blame the bells why don't you. Ms Carolyn Quinn and Ms Carrie Gracie are able to hand over to the 18:00 without any fuss. The ladies can do it. I dare say Ms Victoria Darbyshire would be very good at it as well. :-)

    It's all being recorded.

  36. At 12:53 PM on 02 May 2007, Eddie Mair wrote:

    Belinda (34) you are right of course. Rev (35) you are naughty of course!
    I'm just glad I don't crash the varying bongs as often as some people crash the static pips.... ;o)

  37. At 12:54 PM on 02 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh Belinda, thanks for posting that link! They are stunning.

    Strangely, SO and I thought Jupiter was looking rather bright recently, though I'm sure it's unrelated.

  38. At 12:54 PM on 02 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    I love the bongs - the gaps, the crashing, the surprise element - its become a central part of my day.

    BTW am I the only one to say hello and goodbye to presenters/newreaders in response to their greetings and farewells?

  39. At 01:06 PM on 02 May 2007, Joe Palooka wrote:

    Somebody has stolen my Tony Bennett concert tickets.

  40. At 01:21 PM on 02 May 2007, Sony judge wrote:

    - I demand a recount!

  41. At 01:31 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    I thought Robert Preston sounded nervous and hesitant last night but I would venture that was more down to content than anything else (including preperation time).

    He seemed genuinely embarassed that he was talking about two men having a sexual relationship: and when he said 'Rent Boy' I thought he was going to die -- on air!

    Still, I was less than impressed with the Mail on Sunday editor taking the 'he's a liar' option. This poor chap (I use the term 'poor' loosely) Lord Brown is obviously uncomfortable with people knowing about his sexuality which is perfectly understandable, it's his right to feel uncomfortable. I'm quite sickened to read about possible perjury action against him.

    Eddie handled it all very well last night, as usual, in my opinion. The best presenter/newscaster/interviewer of any medium at the moment. He even knocks John Humphries into the #2 spot!

  42. At 01:56 PM on 02 May 2007, Ian Hart wrote:

    I agree with James #41 I was enraged with the Mail on Sunday fellow. Lord Browne has presided over the growth to world class status of a British company. He has delivered consistently on his promises and bought prestige, profits and respect for Britain through his work. Whether he is gay, straight or celibate has no bearing on this. BP is heavily invested by pension funds. The potential damage which this misguided Mail on Sunday report could have wrought is unfathomable. And for what? for a witch hunt over whether he met the man in the park or on the internet. Irrelevant !!!!! The Mail on Sunday should be in court, not Lord Browne.

    The Ed Hussein item was extremely interesting, I may well purchase that young mans book.

    Add my flags to the others waved for Eddie and co

  43. At 02:00 PM on 02 May 2007, Ann Tarrant wrote:

    Witchiwoman, I always say hello too. Sometimes very pointedly when the Presenter/Interviewer doesn't.
    Congratulations to Eddie & Peter & all at pm. Eddie, we are waiting with baited breath for your explanation of 'The Incident'.
    Like many here I was hugely impressed by Mr Hussein, but am still mystified how such loved, well-brought-up & educated young men are so easily swayed by evil old men with no intention of putting their own hides in danger. Perhaps I should get his book tomorrow. As an (ex) teacher, I longed for the key to motivating 12-16-year-old boys, despaired when so many bright boys seemed so eager to limit their horizons & reject an educated future. What is the appeal of the mullahs, that, as Mr Hussein stated, took him years to get free from, after such a quick conversion?

  44. At 02:53 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    I agree with all the above. Now I'll have to listen to the programme. It sounds great.

  45. At 02:58 PM on 02 May 2007, Alex Brown wrote:

    I have to echo the comments about Robert Peston. I've no doubt he's highly knowledgeable about all matters business, but his broadcasting style leaves a lot to be desired.

    I accept he may have been under additional pressure due to the legally-sensitive and last-minute nature of some of the story last night, but his incessant 'ums' and 'erms' were exceptionally off-putting and really very irritating.

    Perhaps someone could tell him to slow down a bit.

  46. At 04:01 PM on 02 May 2007, Carl wrote:

    Jonnie was ILR? So was I, 1978 Radio Orwell!! Oh what fun we had in the old days eh Jonnie? Hey and Mair.. what was Radio Tay then!!? All the old ILR gang end up on ´óÏó´«Ã½ radio anyway... it's the only place left!

  47. At 04:03 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Re: Eddie and the gap.

    Well as you all have Sony awards coming out of your ears I'll accept your better judgement.

    As for crashing the pips - well that's just negligence.

  48. At 04:18 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    I imagine it is incredibly hard being in Eddie's position where he's reporting on news which he might personally consider particularly troublesome...I don't know if I would be able to have that professional seperation.

    Certainly I wouldn't be able to stop myself biting back at an MP who I knew was giving (possibly/alledgedly) dishonest answers or avoiding the question.

    Though I do really appreciate the gentle biting tone and subtle sarcasm from Eddie so I guess that's as emotional as it gets! :o)

  49. At 04:18 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Witchi & Ann Tarrant - yes I do it too if I'm in the mood, especially when they wish you a nice evening!!

  50. At 04:19 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    I just listened, and wow! That was a cracking edition.

    Wa Assalaamu, Ed Hussein! (yet another Ed and wise beyond his years!) Well met and May Allah bless you.

    Bless all the froggers and congratulations to all who enter the glass box.


  51. At 04:19 PM on 02 May 2007, Carl wrote:

    I can say because he's dead now bless him... but one ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Medway presenter I knew used to have the pips on tape cart so he didn't crash them!

  52. At 04:30 PM on 02 May 2007, Eddie Mair wrote:

    Carl, (46), you make a fair point. Only at Tay I created a lot of dead air...even when I was speaking. Plus ca change.

    (And no I still don't know how to do the fancy bits. Well, not at 16.35 anyway...)

  53. At 04:45 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Eddie (52),

    But you DO know how to do "what you do".

    Aye keep it up.

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