Special Educational Needs
will form a part of the programme again tonight - in response to the big response we've had here previously. Yvonne who's done all the work on the story for months will provide me with more details in due course.
Also coming to the blog in a while - we hope - the AM version of PM. Stand by...
Does this mean that you're going to get another chance to 'do a number' on the fool Adonis? A man who patently has no idea of the real world, so he parrots off what he thinks is going on out there in theory.
Oh good!
If you can reply to the idiot on the Listener Log in the way that you did then can you turn the same invective (or razor-sharp analytical skill, if you prefer) on Adonis? Please?
P.S. I'd like to know if he bothered to read the screams and cries of outrage and despair from the last time this came around on the Blog. I see that the bookmark is still there. My guess is that the answer is a resounding 'No'.
I completed a PhD in March looking at parents' experiences of SENDisT. The 24 parents in my study varied enormously in the amounts they paid to go to SENDisT. One parent paid nothing, but the rest estimated they had paid between £2,000 and £50,000 on the process. The study showed that parents found the experience itself extremely stressful and demanding. Two parents in the study believed going to SENDisT had been a signifcant factor in their family break up. Several other parents described the significant impact it had had on their mental health. With specific regard to representation, parents wanted help with this and found themselves relying on voluntary organisations, which are over stretched.
An article based on the study entitled 'The Tribunal was the most stressful thing: more stressful than my son's diagnosis or behaviour': the experiences of families who go to SENDIST' was published in the academic journal Disability & Society in May 2007 33 (2) pp.315-328
Katherine (2),
Thanks for that. Can you expand a bit? I'd be particularly interested to know how the subject parents were chosen.
Thanks in advance
Sorry this reply is a bit late - I didn't see you question Ed.
The parents were approached by advertising the research through voluntary organisations involved in supporting children with SEN. Parents then chose to contact me.