This week's new movies!

- Watchmen (18 cert) - brilliantly gutsy remix of super hero mythology where only an average last 20 mins stop it from being perfect. 4 stars.
- The Young Victoria - Emily Blunt radiates as our longest reigning monarch but is let down by a very slow script. Where not much happens, really. 3 stars.
- Surveillance (18 cert) - Pointlesss but entertainingly weird tale of murder in the American desert, directed by the daughter of arthouse supremo David 'Mulholland Drive' Lynch. 3 stars.
- American Teen - Insightful docu that follows 4 seniors in their last year at school. Occasionally fake feeling but always feelgood. 3 stars.
- Wendy & Lucy - Michelle Williams is awesome in this lo-fi tale of a homeless girl and her dog caught penniless in a nowhersville American town. Haunting. 5 stars.
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