Paranormal Activity - Review

Everything about Paranormal Activity is minimal. It's set in one house and it's simply home footage of a couple (Micah & Katie) investigating a possible poltergeist. They record everything, including sticking their camera on a tripod in their bedroom at night, then watch back looking for weird stuff.
And weird stuff is DEFINITELY found. Yet the pic keeps everything believable. The grainy footage helps, so does the down-to-earth acting (from two unknowns). Mainly though, it's the pace. At first, Katie and Micah only notice tiny things; a door closes a little bit at 3am, their car keys move from the worktop to the floor. They're freaked out... yet not massively. But the grip of whatever is in their house tightens and tensions become unbearable.
The repetition of one particular shot is crucial - the static camera in their bedroom, recording night after night. The couple sleep, their door enticingly open. Night-time noises are heard. Was it just the pipes? And are those footsteps on the staircase? A shadow on the wall? You can never be sure. We see this same shot umpteen times over umpteen nights, each time something a little more odd happens. It's a shot I began to dread.
This a masterpiece of eliciting thrills from what you don't see rather than what you do. Events seem at a distance. Sounds are heard a long way off. You feel like a helpless voyeur as the initial bubbliness of the film descends into pure, ice-cold terror.
5 stars.
Paranormal Activity is out today.
Comment number 1.
At 26th Nov 2009, Andy wrote:This film is perfect for those jumpers, loads of noises, all at random times, properly scary isn't the word!
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Comment number 2.
At 29th Nov 2009, mt2108 wrote:This film is brilliant! Quite dull in the beginning but as it progresses it's worth watching! The fact that it's based on true events makes it even more creepy!
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Comment number 3.
At 29th Nov 2009, garryj wrote:James, James, James, I know you are good mates with Mark Kermode who's opinion I deeply respect from his reviews over the years. I am a horror film fan and have been for a number of years. This was one of the scariest films of all time on SO many levels I don't know where to start. Please make sure that mark recants his verdict on it being "not scary" as he has got this one completely wide of the mark i'm afraid. Seminal stuff.
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