Sundance Buzz

I went to the Sundance Film Festival once. It's probably the only festival where you'll be watching films whilst also wearing snow boots. Set in the icy mountains of Utah, Sundance is chaired by legendary actor/director Robert Redford, a man whose head is more and more resembling a cornflake as the years go by. But to give Bob his dues, he also wants to champion low-budget indie cinema and that's exactly what Sundance is all about.
From here great things have come - Napoleon Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine and Precious to name but a few. You want to get your micro budget pic noticed by Hollywood players? Strap on your skis, get your butt over to Salt Lake City and pray that God - or Harvey Weinstein - is watching.
Here are some of the faves of Sundance 2010:

Buried - Ryan Reynolds is captured in Iraq and imprisoned inside a coffin. .

Cane Toads: The Conquest - or as it's being called 'Ava-toad' (oh dear). It's a 3D doc bigging up the Aussie cane toad, March Of The Penguins-style.

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