IRFS Weeknotes #119
This may be summer and there may be a major sports competition which has a few of us glued to several live streams at a time (that's our new four-screens strategy), projects have been humming along nicely for this 119th instalment of our weeknotes.

James' new home office setup suffers from surprisingly poor internet connectivity.
The project team continues looking at TV authentication: Chris Needham has been building an web application and working with James on some UML sequence diagrams to model the "Authorization Code Grant" flow. Meanwhile, Barbara happily reports that the initial UI for the smart app has been reviewed and implementation is starting next week. Recruitment for the ethnographic study is also making progress.
Libby and Chris Newell are still working on the foundations of the VistaTV project. Libby has been trying the - merging data by series and brand, experimenting with different partitions and generating graphs to try and learn more about our month's worth of anonymised viewing dataset. She's also been installing our TV-cum-HTML5 prototype egbox to see if it could be used in the VistaTV project.
The ABC-IP world service / automated tagging project is still running its user trial. Chris Lowis has been working on an interface to allow listeners to improve the automated tags prototype, as well as a few other tweaks and bug fixes; Andrew N did a bit of work on a more advanced speaker segmentation interface for the ABC world service prototype and spent the rest of the week was spent getting to grips with , a framework for creating javascript web apps. He will be using it for the web-app remote control for egbox.

Our show and tell meeting this week was fairly quiet, but we did get a visit on Monday: came to talk about his experiments with popup DAB radio with crowd-based DJing, and his work creating radio cases with kits.
As for me, it's been a typically quiet summer period on the W3C front, with , which I chair... I'm looking forward to seeing activity pick up again!
In the meantime, I have been collaborating with Theo, Michael and Sean on an update to our R&D website, meeting people, sorting keywords and generally invading a significant portion of our office with cards, stickies and printouts. Not quite ready for the paperless office yet.
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