Ed Westwick
So, today I got to meet actual Chuck Bass of off Gossip Girl. Yep, Ed Westwick himself came in to record something for Jo Whiley's show, so I had toÌýpop in and get something forÌýOh! What'sÌýOccurring... it was for work. Honestly.
He was amazing. But... if you met the man of your dreams and got a picture taken... would you want it to be this one?? What on earth is going on?!

Our conversation was a little bit odd too.
Comment number 1.
At 3rd Jun 2010, topherpl wrote:Of course I'd want it to be this one!
And why wouldn't you want it by your bed, it'd make for nice dreams I'd imagine ;)
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Comment number 2.
At 5th Jun 2010, tiilsi_01 wrote:Hehe no actually ;) i like the bemused look you gave Beccy
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Comment number 3.
At 5th Jun 2010, Lauren wrote:Just watching e! news and they are using your clip asking him whether he has or would like a girlfriend! so your global now. :)
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Comment number 4.
At 7th Jun 2010, Elizabeth Laing wrote:MMMMM ... Lush :)
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Comment number 5.
At 16th Jun 2010, Tokyoflash wrote:HOW BIG IS HIS HEAD?!?! Tell me thats photoshopped?
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Jun 2010, swanampton wrote:The face beccy is pulling looks like Jimmy Carr
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Comment number 7.
At 24th Jun 2010, simonr91 wrote:She's trying not to look at his bum mun
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