Welcome to the 大象传媒 Sport Editors' blog (35)
- 27 Apr 06, 12:02 PM
We've launched this blog because we want to let you know what 大象传媒 Sport is doing, across all our outlets - whether it's on TV, radio, this website or any of our new media services.
We're also keen to hear your views and want people to engage and comment on what we have to say.
And if you're new to blogging, don't be put off because believe me, you're definitely not alone. For some of us this is our first dip into what is being dubbed rather grandly the "blogosphere" - and we're probably as unsure about what to expect as anyone.
The appeal of something as fluid as a blog is, I suppose, that you don't know what you're going to get. As 大象传媒 journalists, used to the certainty of the old-school broadcast world, we might have our own preconceptions about what we'd like this blog to be. But I know for a fact that what emerges won't be exactly what we've envisaged.
What we do hope is that we're able to shed some light onto the workings of - and that we also manage to provide something worth reading along the way...
Ben Gallop is the Head of . Our should answer any questions you have. If they don't, you can .
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Is there any chance the 大象传媒 could provide us
with an alternative to the unbelievably poor tv commentary we have to put up with these days, by providing the viewer with the choice of say: muted commentry,supported with just crowd noise for the millions of us who frankly have enough of the current set up & their inane ramblings.
The paying public surely deserve better than this.
Mick McCarthy...why?
Ian Wright....why?
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The bbc are broadcasting the World Cup in HD. Will we be able to view this though freeview?
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Hi Matt,
The 大象传媒 is broadcasting the World Cup in HD as part of a trial but because the technology is fairly new in the UK you won't be able to watch it on Freeview.
At the moment you can only access HD quality via satellite and in some cable areas.
You also need an HD-ready TV and a special set-top box.
For more information, see here..
I hope this helps.
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I'm sorry you don't always the enjoy TV commentary - but the good news for you is our interactive TV service does offer alternative audio streams. So for the World Cup if you press the red button, you'll have the chance to listen to the Radio Five Live coverage or if you want that pure "terrace" experience, you can just get the match atmosphere, with no commentary at all. I prefer Motty's dulcet tones, but each to their own...
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Just to add to the response Bridget wrote about the 大象传媒's HD trial. If you want to be part of the trial (which does include a limited freeview trial for the London area) then there is a form near the bottom of the page from the link. /digital/tv/hdtv.shtml
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Im very much looking forward to the World Cup Programmes you are airing before the tournament, in particular World Cup Stories on 大象传媒2.
Howevver, it is sad to see your pundit line-up for the World Cup. For the first time your rivals might have better coverage - you seem to have dumbed down your football coverage. Whereas in the past people like Alan Hansen and Martin O'Neil provided some level of tactical insight, the new bunch drown out anything interesting with their own unfunny in-jokes and banter. Why not get hold of someone as humourous, intelligent and knowledgable about world football as James Richardson? Why settle for ex-player pundits who try their best to say so very little or who like Ian Wright, are an embarrasment in the studio? It seems like you'd ratherhave childish ranting from an ex-pro than anything which actually informs and it's a dissapointing state of affairs.
With a new non-terrestrial channel able to show their own coverage which they claim will be more 'for fans' - can't you go the other way and give us something more intelligent and objective?
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I would like to echo Arshad's opinions on the quality of the pundits on the 大象传媒. As well as the excellent James Richardson, I would also throw Henry Winter and Gab Marcotti in for consideration. Gab in particular would offer a more balanced view of the games, unless Italy were involved of course :-).
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I have just read the question about the Grandstand theme.
I have to say i'm gutted that Grandstand is going after 48 years and feel that something should be done to save it.
While I fully understand the reasons for change there has to be room for Grandstand somewhere.
My idea would be to take the sports feature of the actual news and have a sports news show (like Sky Sports News) on every night after the six and ten o'clock news called Grandstand.
It could be ten mins long on quieter days and say 30 mins long on Saturday or Sunday.
This programe could also run more often on 大象传媒2/3/4 or News 24 and that way we are getting more dedicated Sports news show and Grandstand is saved (theme music an'all)
Given the fact that you are saying technology is a major player in the decision this would allow me to set my Sky+ plus to tape Grandstand every night and I wouldn't have to listen to the news in order to catch the sports news.
Go on, give it a shot!
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Okay I am used to waiting.
Grandstand well it had passed its sell by date, with no current sport coverage worth watching.
What are the F.A doing a bit of a farce.
What will the 大象传媒 call there World Cup Coverage, will it be a Grandstand style programme in disguise?
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I think the commentary that the 大象传媒 provide for their football has to be second to none! I mean who would argue with the professionalism of the institution within the institution, Mr John Motson?!! Who cares who sits next to him, he has more insight than others in any event. The studio boys are not that bad either. I would rather sit and watch a bunch of guys knowing what they are talking about and entertaining me with their banter, than watch a bunch of serious technocrats trying to explain stuff, which the majority of the viewing public won't understand anyway and that viewing public lets face it will be our wives, daughters, girlfriends, in addition to the footy diehards, as world cup fever takes a grip!! So, yeah 大象传媒 you have it right. If people want to watch it that technically then hand it over to the OU! They'll turn it into a degree!!
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The Tune chose by the 大象传媒 for its world cup theme program is shocking. This Tune celebrate's the Deaths of thousands of Scots men, women and children in 1746. This is very insensitive and should be changed straight away. This is the news story across the Scottish press today
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How will Sven pick his world cup squad? IS it like fantasy football league where he has a set number of strikers, midfielders etc or can he, if he wanted pick 23 goalkeepers?
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Dinesh (10.), Motson is an embarrassment these days. Bob Mills had it right when he called him a parody of himself. Motty, bless 'im, spent the last world cup obsessing about breakfast back home (time difference, you see). His knowledge of European and world football, or his ability to convey it, is limited at best. That and he seems to have lost his feel for the game in a painful quest for cringe-worthy banter with whoever's sat next to him. Mark Lawrenson replacing Le Saux is a God-send, however. No coincidence that he has turned up from radio, where the best commentators and analysts really shine. Green, Ingham, Taylor, Armfield. All quality. Not all bad news on TV, however, no Andy Gray!
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I am a big fan of 大象传媒 sport and would much rather watch on the 大象传媒 than on Sky, but can I beg for more Rugby League?? Some of my earliest sports memories are of Eddie Waring's commentary and his "up and unders" but now, unless you count a few Challenge Cup games and the Super League Show (which seems to be shifted around at will!) the only Rugby League on TV is on Sky.
I appreciate that Sky have the contract for Super League, but what about National League one? This season is going to be the most exciting in NL1 for many years, but it is not covered anywhere on TV.
A massive opportunity missed - and once the franchise system comes into play in a couple of years time and the Superleague pulls up their drawbridge, there will be no chance for teams outside the top flight to get any TV coverage.
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Regarding "Live" football coverage online, I have to say this really is appalling. Listing every foul and throw in, but no sense of what is actually going on at all, I have no idea who thinks this is a good format.
Compare with the ball-by-ball cricket updates which are fantastic, they really give you a feeling of what is going on. Why can't the football be more like this?
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Could you tell me if the 大象传媒 have any intention of showing the FIFA Official Films of The World Cup for example HERO 1986 or Two Billion Hearts from 1994 as part of the build up. Also is there any chance you might show the World Cup Replay Programmnes previously shown on 大象传媒 Choice.
Kind Regards
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Hi Colin,
I've written something about the World Cup theme, which hopefully answers some of your concerns...
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13.(Andy) Well everyone's entitled to the subjectivity of their own opinion and with respect Andy, I hardly think, Bob Mills is a correct or reliable source to support your argument with. Subjectivity in support of subjectivity, does not support objective fact. Your perceptions clearly are not reflective of the objectivity of the factual evidence. I mean whom gets the higher ratings, over games shown simultaneously on the 大象传媒 & ITV? I think you will find it is the Beeb everytime. Now, if that wasn't a glowing endorsement of Motson, Lineker and Co, I am not sure what is? Check the BFI for their official stats as a source and compare them with many more. I can't find any other official sources that show otherwise. If people were so fed up with the coverage, surely they'll all be watching the other side? By the way, if you were now asked to name the Mexican team from the 1970 World Cup, without reference to any material, would you be able to do it? Nope? Nor would I, but I am sure we all know who can and that just in a little way can demonstrate his knowledge of European and International footy. Have you read any of his books? They too give even further support to his in depth knowledge of International & European footy. So, with respect once more Andy, lets not all moan for the sake of the subjectivity of feeling but objectively see the facts as they are.
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It's good to see that you've decided to open up a forum for sport on the 大象传媒. I've been quite worried over the coverage of the sport on the 大象传媒 in as much as the breadth and depth is simply not there. If you are not a football fan, and frankly I have tried to like it but it's just not for me then you're well catered for otherwise it's tough luck. I won't be watching the World cup and I would like an alternative.
If 大象传媒 sport is to be promoted then there needs to be a variety of reports which includes minority sports included with the majority where there may be spark ignited in the keypad generation. As the 大象传媒 is a public funded body the repsonsibility clearly lies with the 大象传媒 as with other publicly funded bodies to help highlight sports other than the mainstream, that fully includes this blog if only to inform, educate and entertain (I think that was the old mantra).
Please try and cater for everyone equally and not just for the footy fans.
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Andy (13) Using the term "a parody of himself" is in fact a parody of the original term. It is like saying, "the word genius often bounded about too much these days, but..."
As far as commentary goes, Graeme Le Saux was never going to turn people onto football. At least Mark lawrenson, although leaving you feel awkward sometimes, knows how to describe football matches.
I think we need a change for MotD2 on Sunday evenings. It's a good idea, but half-baked. We need regular guests and more analysis of the weekends action.
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ref Post 15
I too would love to see these FIFA Films - I have a couple on DVD and would love to see 1998, 2002 and before.
It would be great also to revisit the old 大象传媒 Choice World Cup Replays again - They were great fun. A little like the Match of the World Cup shown in 2002 with Ron Manager.
The World Cup stories series on Sunday Nights looks good and nice to have an accompanying book.
At least the 大象传媒 know how to put a documentary together - they are normally excellent. I have to say that having watched the FIFA Film for 1990 - the BEEB's efforts excudes class.
One question - will interactive be showcasing complete matches as at the 2002 WC and before?? If I remember they showed the 1970 meeting between Brazil and England in its entirety?
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Am I alone in thinking that the formerly excellent Saturday mornings on Radio 5 have become more and more trivial? Both about sport and about other matters. I used really to enjoy the tone: not trivial but not heavy...a good listen.
My feelings came to a head a few weeks ago when I was moved to ring in about a comment (to be challenged) by a guest, which E Holmes just let go by, that even if Wayne Rooney had lost 拢750k gambling 'he could afford' it (sic)...so it was alright.
It did not seem right to me that that comment went completely unchallenged. For sports stars are role mdels for young people and others. The problem was bnot just about affordability to Mr Rooney, but the example it did or did not set...........
When I eventually got through to the programme on the number mugs like me are invited to call in on, I was told by the researcher or whoever that 'the programme was a light hearted one' and so my comment was not relevant....but I should call complaints. (Which I did and which was well dealt with). Why is a comment about what someone says which is not immediately about the sport, and which challenges a comment made on air which is a serious one suddenly out-of-court on grounds of lack of light-heartedness?
Anyway,I think you should sharpen up again Saturday mornings on Radio 5......and you should tackle the role model issue and so on. Happy to help!
(I am the CEO of a national charity...but doing this as me, on a Saturday morning, wanting better radio 5 again!)
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I have just watched the News on 大象传媒1 @ 1930 and there was no mention of the World Superbike results on your "Sports" section of the news. Although I think the 大象传媒 consider this a minority sport (120.000 plus spectators at Brands Hatch 2 years ago!)Why don`t you give the results of the two Superbike races. You also never mention BSB (British Superbikes)which is considered the best domestic bike racing series in the world. I dobt you will bother to reply to my post, living in hope. Pete
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should have mentioned on your article of Gerge Washington's win at Newmarket that the winner of the Kentucky Derby came from the same farm!Lael Farm in U.S.A.
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Ian Wright's comments this morning in The Sun add to the amount of xenephobic rhetoric that we've heard from him in the past. For the sake of their own credibility, the 大象传媒 should ensure he is not involved in their World Cup coverage. To go as far as to suggest Crozier as a Scot was disingeniuous in his appointment of Sven is pathetically misguided.
If you have him on the panel and England have a bad game, the 大象传媒 risks their own embarassing 'Ron Atkinson moment'.
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Check out the link. Maybe you can use this World Cup Anthem, it is sooo much better than Embrace!
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Will 'Aunty' be streaming all of the World Cup matches live that she is broadcasting live on TV?
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I read the stirling defense of Motty but unfortunately I feel compelled to disagree. At his peak Motson was the definitive football commentator (sheepskin jacket and all) but has declined since the last world cup.
The number of occasions on which he says something that is clearly factually incorrect and has to do his embarrassed chortle when corrected is starting to grate.
Also I have to agree that some of the punditry ranges from dull (Alan Shearer) to unwatchable (Ian Wright).
The 大象传媒 has an excellent core of commetators and pundits at its disposal namely Alan Green, Mike Ingham, Alan Hansen etc. and could do worse than add James Richardson or permanently sign Iain Dowie to improve this line up. Unfortunately I fear they will be overshadowed by Motty, Wrighty and (god forbid) David Pleat.
ps I hope this was objective enough.
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Martin O'Neill is the best pundit I've seen on the 大象传媒...perhaps a little too honest for some (which allegedly lost him the England job), but will always back-up any comments with facts...bring him back for the World Cup...Wright's not in the same league
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Why don't the 大象传媒 show the rarely seen official FIFA WC films like 'World at Their Feet', 'Gole', 'Hero' etc? The only one they ever seem to show is the boring 1966 one...'Goal'. zzzzz !
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Hi.. I am Scottish and live in Ireland. Its very frustrating when I can't access Scottish football commentary online, or live sports streaming. Is there any plans to make this accessible outside the uk?? I for one would certainly be willing to subscribe or pay for these services.
I recently subscribed to Real Player and can access 大象传媒 radio and 大象传媒 news coverage through this. As this is a subscription service I was wondering if you had considered making live football commentary and live sport streaming available through this and if this would get round any broadcasting rights issues??
Yours a disappointed Scot who had to move to Ireland to get a job and misses the live 大象传媒 Scottish football commentary.
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I was surfing for the FIFA WC film "World at their feet" when I came acoss this site.
Now that the 大象传媒 has more channels than it knows what to do with, how about showing the FIFA WC series of films whilst the tournament is on.
I must say that whoever put "World cup stories" together, which is currently showing on 大象传媒 2, has done a fantastic job.
Can I also add that the Radio commentators are better than their TV counterparts, that James Richardson would be a good signing and that the current crop of TV pundits is poor. Just compare the ITV panel of World Cup 74, namely, Allison, Moore, Charlton, Clough and the Doog to the current crop on 大象传媒 of Linekar, Hansen, Shearer, Dixon and Wrighty.
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Totally agree with the comments about the Motson, Lawrenson commentary - Croatia were by far the better side in the second half and but for some poor finishing would have at least nicked a draw.
Its always been the same though - somebody from Brazil does something flash and it gets talked about for years anybody else it gets shown a few times and forgotton about. Having said that they do have some class players - I wonder if Ronaldo will start the next game - they certainly looked better with him off the pitch.
On a a compeltely different note I have recently come across a new sports search engine which appears to be quite good. lookupsport.com enables you to find a list of retailers specific to your sport quickly and easily. Does list other stuff but a bit light on content at the moment. Think is should grow quickly though as free to register.
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I just wanted to raise the issue of the recent crowd trouble in Rome as a discussion topic to find out whether members of大象传媒 sport had a similar perspective.
I find it frustrating how the powers that be, (AKA the Doughnut who has his stranglehold at FIFA, for another X ammount of years) fails to deal with such acts in football that appear to surround the treatment our fans abroad. I am sure our fans are not blamless, but lets face it its not the first time it has happened, and it appears for all to see that we are treated with an iron fist as opposed to a gentle carress, whilst supporting on the continent.
am I alone in thinking that the rest of Europe and the world have a problem with the success of football in this country?
Furthermore, why haven't we got more say in the way the world game is run? Like many others I feel passionate about the beautiful game, but feel like the 'control' is 'out of control'
Graeme, 24, Bristol
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