Is the mystery game revealed?
- 19 Jul 08, 17:16 GMT
A reader of the blog - Kyle Barrett - has emailed to ask if a mystery game I had teased people with a few months ago had finally been revealed at Sony's E3 press conference.
At the time I wrote:
If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion.
So, sat in the audience in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles at the Sony briefing I was really looking forward to seeing everyone's reaction to the game.
As the briefing wore on I was beginning to wonder if it would ever appear.
But then Sony executive Jack Tretton said: "We have one final thing to show you."
And I thought: This is it. This is the big reveal; finally I can be unburdened with this secret.
And on the big screen MAG appeared - the massively multiplayer online FPS game.
As it turned out: this was one of the games I had been shown some months before but under strict instruction I was not to write about it.
But this was not the game I was referring to. It still hasn't been shown publicly.
And so I still can't talk about it. Or even tell you what it's called. In fact when I referred to it in passing and without detail in front of a 大象传媒 colleague this week, the Sony PR man drew a sharp intake of breath and shot me a withering look.
Some of you might be thinking the game is pure vapourware. But I promise you it's real.
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Comment number 1.
At 19th Jul 2008, Estesark wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 2.
At 19th Jul 2008, Veeder wrote:And yet the other day you wrote:
"Despite the hyperbole, there is not a single game, in my opinion, on the PS3 that truly looks like it surpasses the technical limitations of the Xbox 360."
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Comment number 3.
At 20th Jul 2008, geoffw22 wrote:From past experience I would bet that anything Sony have shown you that looks amazing will only be pre-rendered footage, the MAG footage was pre-rendered.
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Comment number 4.
At 20th Jul 2008, Panipal wrote:You can't tell us what it's called? Or, you can't tell us that it's called Heavy Rain or not?
On the off chance that you respond to these comments, when do you think this game might be revealed? Next month at Leipzig?
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Comment number 5.
At 20th Jul 2008, mwarsame wrote:RevolutionBlues really nailed you Darren. What say you, sir?
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Comment number 6.
At 20th Jul 2008, quietdisclaimer wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 7.
At 20th Jul 2008, DavidM71 wrote:The offensive comment above is partially correct - the secret game is Heavy Rain. But that trailer he links is so ridiculously old that it may as well be ignored - it was just an early tech demo that bares little resemblance to the game as it is now.
I look forward to the public reveal...
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Comment number 8.
At 20th Jul 2008, Veeder wrote:@geoffw22,
Sony have been very clear that the MAG footage was pre-rendered. They told Darren that they footage they were showing him in strict confidence was in-game. Given it was to a single journalist I have no reason to believe they lied. Nor do you.
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Comment number 9.
At 20th Jul 2008, Veeder wrote:PS Re my comment #2. I happen to think Darren was wrong in his recent statement. So I'm not saying his words on the demo are misleading, more that he has been harsh on SCE recently.
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Comment number 10.
At 20th Jul 2008, The Realist wrote:Darren, are you telling us that this game looks better than Killzone 2? Surely not, I mean KZ2 is still on pre-alpha right?
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Comment number 11.
At 20th Jul 2008, quietdisclaimer wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 12.
At 20th Jul 2008, The Realist wrote:quietdisclaimer
If you actually worked in journalism I might be 1% convinced to believe what you say
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Comment number 13.
At 20th Jul 2008, lews-news wrote:But heavy rain was shown at E3, all be it E3 2006, and is believed to be the sequel to Fahrenheit, so it can't be that as Darren would be able to name it. Anyway whatever it is sounds very intriguing and I hope it is a step forward for narrative in gaming.
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Comment number 14.
At 20th Jul 2008, Panipal wrote:We really need Darren to show up here and confirm whether Heavy Rain was the game he saw back in February or not. HR's been 'announced' (we just don't have full details yet) plus if N'Gai Croal, amongst others, can get away with saying that yes, HR was one of the games Sony showed secretly at E3, then why can't Darren at least indicate whether this game is HR or is NOT HR?
Unless it is, and he thinks that he'll make himself look clueless by insisting 'no, I can't tell you the name' even though others have.
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Comment number 15.
At 20th Jul 2008, The Realist wrote:I very much doubt it is Heavy Rain. Everybody should get that idea out of their head straight away...
Darren was shown this mystery game in the London Studio's, Heavy Rain is being developed by a different company in France.
Whatever this mystery game is, it is not Heavy Rain.
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Comment number 16.
At 20th Jul 2008, darrenwaters wrote:@ALL The game was NOT Heavy Rain. I promise you it is not that title.
@Quitedisclaimer: Sorry my friend. It's not that title.
@ALL: I think Revoution Blues almost has a point:
On one hand I am saying that I've not seen a game on PS3 that leads me to believe it is not also possible on the 360.
while also saying...
That the mystery represents a sea change.
Am I contradicting myself? I don't think so.
What I was shown was a demo; not a full game. Until a game is in my hands I'm not going to commit myself. But what I was shown was v impressive.
A lot of the developers I've spoken don't believe there will ever be a big difference in finished product between the two machines for two major reasons:
1. 3rd party companies have to be multiplatform and they just can't afford to priorities one machine over the other.
2. The two consoles are strong but in different areas.
Obviously the first point doesn't apply to first party games.
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Comment number 17.
At 20th Jul 2008, geoffw22 wrote:@RevolutionBlues
Sony also said the original Killzone 2 trailer was in game, and look how that turned out.
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Comment number 18.
At 20th Jul 2008, Veeder wrote:@geoffw22,
So? What we are talking about here was a private showing to a journalist who was supposed to stay quiet about it.
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Comment number 19.
At 21st Jul 2008, Inkenga wrote:Okay, I was thinking maybe Wardevil because THAT game seems like vapourware, but its been formally announced for years now, and teaser trailers have been shown.
So what the hell is this game?
A demo? So it has a currently playable build.
Team Ico's project?
Does it come from Sony's London based studios?
I cant think of anything else!!
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Comment number 20.
At 21st Jul 2008, geoffw22 wrote:@RevolutionBlues
Regardless of what he was shown or what was said it should be taken with a large helping of salt based on Sony's track record on these things. Many developers have commented about the PS3's relative power, so unless they have suddenly found some new tricks I doubt the game can look particularly amazing compared to what we have already seen running in real-tile (MGS4, Killzone 2, Resistance 2)
My money is still on what he was shown being pre-rendered, regardless of what the PR people told him. I guess we'll see when its announced.
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Comment number 21.
At 21st Jul 2008, Inkenga wrote:And what do you mean by "sea change", Darren?!!
Are you talking graphics, artificial intelligence, scripting and level design, acting, what?!!!!!
It cant be graphics. I'm sure this title will be nice looking, but it must be doing something unique with the scripting and/or artificial intelligence to truly push in-game storytelling forwards.
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Comment number 22.
At 21st Jul 2008, lukeclem1 wrote:is this game a ps3 exclusive??
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Comment number 23.
At 21st Jul 2008, UberDump wrote:Team ICO have been quiet and let's not forget just how good ICO and Shadow of the Colossus looked on PS2 hardware. They must be doing something.
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Comment number 24.
At 21st Jul 2008, Veeder wrote:Wow. You are so certain about something you know hardly anything about. I think you just WANT this to be overblown.
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Comment number 25.
At 21st Jul 2008, VampiricHoshi wrote:You know it doesn't matter how much you speculate and how many game names you bring up, Darren will surely have signed a non-disclosure agreement before he viewed the demo which means he is bound by law not to disclose information. So you really arent going to get anything more than what he's already said no matter how differently you word the same question :)
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Comment number 26.
At 21st Jul 2008, FrankyB wrote:Whatever this game is, it may look good on a PS3 but sadly the PS3 is not the best graphics platform available. That's still the PC.
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Comment number 27.
At 21st Jul 2008, FrankyB wrote:@25, NDAs aren't enshrined in law. However, should he break the agreement, Darren isn't likely to be getting any more previews from Sony or any other company.
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Comment number 28.
At 21st Jul 2008, raven2751 wrote:it's just more hot air from a big wind bag who doe's know the diff between real time rendered and pre-rendered
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Comment number 29.
At 21st Jul 2008, NAJC11 wrote:@28 Don't say that, this guy works for the 大象传媒, who are a very reliable and is most likely a unbiased source as you'll get. Also, I'm sure he knows the difference between the two, he's not stupid!
@Darren Waters - has this game been mentioned on the internet in any shape or form including rumours? Is it being made by an established producer? Thanks mate, keep up the good work of giving us inside info.
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Comment number 30.
At 21st Jul 2008, Lesane-Parish-Crooks wrote:I have a source...
the game is called: "Mirrors Edge".
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Comment number 31.
At 21st Jul 2008, hackerjack wrote:Why all the talk about technical limitations, I don't believe he ever said it was a graphically superior game, just that it was a game "represents a sea change".
If you think about it games that came with this kind of tag they are rarely if ever visually stunning, think of Wii Sports, The Sims, Doom, Super Mario; none of them were stunning, certainly not groundbreaking in terms of graphics.
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Comment number 32.
At 21st Jul 2008, VampiricHoshi wrote:"NDAs aren't enshrined in law"
An NDA is a document specificaly scripted to encompas the full power of the law, in other words it is a law-abiding document. Thats why you have to sign it, and it is also why beta programmes for games have to, by law, set an age restriction of 18 (because under 18's cannot lawfully sign a document themselves).
The whole point of an NDA is to give lawful power to the owner of the document, otherwise there would be no point in spending the money to get them written up.
No games company in their right mind, especialy when Sony is involved, would produce an NDA that had no legal strength.
In short, Sony could simply bann Darren from any future events or could go the whole hog and take him to court over it (assuming he has actually signed an NDA of course, which I am pretty sure he will have done).
Obviously no self respecting journalist is going to risk that. Which was basicaly my point :)
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Comment number 33.
At 21st Jul 2008, darrenwaters wrote:@ALL I haven't signed an NDA. I'm merely honouring an agreement given verbally to people I respect.
This was supposed to be a bit of fun, a tease about a game I've seen.
But some people are taking this way too seriously!
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Comment number 34.
At 21st Jul 2008, fishdd wrote:"""when there is light, there are shadows, to vanquish the shadows, you must first turn off the light"""
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Comment number 35.
At 22nd Jul 2008, whatthi wrote:come on leave him alone guys...you all sound like a pack of whinny spoiled kids..
in due time it would come...patience after all is a virtue..and theres nothing like waiting for something wrap in its mysteries only to find out its nostalgic magnificence (which could be true if it is from team ICO, everyone who played their game is sure to have a great nostalgic association with the games creators)..
or it is exciting at the same time to wait if it would be a new entry to this generations consoles..
but if it turned out that if this secrecy is phil harrison dancing on a pole then i would understand the gravity of the secrecy :P
but yeah..lets all just wait
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Comment number 36.
At 22nd Jul 2008, SOE162 wrote:Darren..
is it FreeRealm, The Agency, Big Time Revenge, Brave Arms, Chain Limit, or Second Season 01 ??
I have a feeling that you're going to say none of them. Hehe XD
If it is one of them please say so.
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Comment number 37.
well not officially...but im pretty sure. because from what ive seen of it it seems UNREAL.
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Comment number 38.
At 22nd Jul 2008, SOE162 wrote:@robbymo
no its not Kingdom Hearts 3.
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Comment number 39.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Lady-Amane wrote:Sir Darren, I really appreciate you and your job...I know you are somehow upset of some posts and some rplies. but I also know that you wanted from the first place to share some fun with us and see some opinions ( I think you know that you might find some good or bad opinions)..plus I want to ask you something but please don't get upset ...Is the game that you've seen a totally new game or a familiar game?
And my second question is , I don't know if you have ever answered this question but if you have please answer it again ^_^..
Is this game (Gate a way 3)?
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Comment number 40.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Lady-Amane wrote:And yeah I forgot something
you just said"Obviously the first point doesn't apply to first party games"
Do you mean the game actually from SONY?
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Comment number 41.
At 22nd Jul 2008, robbymo wrote:you know im thinking... i heard something recently about bungie being friendly with sony.... possibly thats what it is!! a new bungie game for PS3 ...or even...dare i say it...HALO 4
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Comment number 42.
At 22nd Jul 2008, 7om8o87 wrote:My first impressions were Heavy Rain because it looks amazing, even though it was already announced 2 years ago.
But UberDump raised some good points about Team ICO. It's been a while since SotC.
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Comment number 43.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Nick wrote:So...what aboutr MGS4 Darren?
That ain't possible on Xbox 360, so says Jack Tretton.
And if you argue with Jack Tretton, you're wrong.
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Comment number 44.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Green Soap wrote:Is it Horrace goes Skiing 2?
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Comment number 45.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Darren wrote:Is is the sims 2?
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Comment number 46.
At 22nd Jul 2008, Panipal wrote:'This was supposed to be a bit of fun, a tease about a game I've seen.'
Well at least you're a bit wiser now about the gaming community not finding being teased 'fun', but rather, annoying...
I'm sure you'll let us know what it was when it gets shown at Leipzig next month (if Sony have the sense to stop messing around)...
It's probably Trico. Nothing else fits the bill of 'immersive storytelling', especially since you eliminated Heavy Rain
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Comment number 47.
At 22nd Jul 2008, TheTurk wrote:The game is "Super Intergalactic SpaceOnion Circus".
You take the role of the circus-master and use the sony camera, microphone and sixaxis to control and interact with lifelike creatures on a 'magnificent seven' type storyline across several galaxies.
You can morph your face into humanoid alien shape.
The online mode allows you to meet up with other 'alien-morphed' gamers to save galaxies.
Game play is on-board and on-planet.
Oh who cares, I can wait!
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Comment number 48.
At 22nd Jul 2008, TheTurk wrote:How come no other gaming mag or gaming journalist has this scoop!?
What evidence do you have that you never dozed off for a second during a screening of MGS4 and dreamt the whole thing.
Tretton (if you didn't dream that bit too) was just being polite to you because he though you were a delirious (and potentially dangerous) nutter going on about some crazy non-existent game.
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Comment number 49.
At 22nd Jul 2008, MidniteCowboy wrote:Maybe the clues point to Wardevil? Made by a London studio, seemed like vapourware for a while, but obviously being worked on quietly. Also sounds like it may have been shown behind closed doors at E3.
Website suggests the developers would reveal more but prevented doing so by NDAs. Also their website mentions the 1080 60fps graphics engine and hints at film/gameplay crossovers. Is this the step-change?
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Comment number 50.
At 27th Jul 2008, Galvanise_ wrote:Hey Darren, I apologise for all the stick we gamers have given you over this 'news'. We are not all this crazy!
Recently, another blogger who has stated things well in advance that have came true has suggested that the gamer you saw was in fact Heavy Rain. Are you 100% sure it isn't?
I'll post the remark so you can respond if you wish.
"The 大象传媒 journo simply saw the Sony Computer Entertainment Europe slate presentation for this year and next, which a Eurojournanalist says included "a bonanza of titles such as Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, B-Boy 2: Electric Boogaloo*, Home, WipEout HD, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain. "
I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. You can e-mail me using the E-mail address in my profile, or I'll keep checking this blog for a reply or an update.
Keep the good work going,
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Comment number 51.
At 28th Jul 2008, The Realist wrote:I now heard that Sony are working on a title that puts the player in a very dire situation, where the mission of the player is based escaping that dire situation.
Involves an alien civilisation coming our aid, an unknown mechanical race that has declared genocide against biological life and they completely out do us in technological terms.
the player is completely discouraged from fighting back as our weaponary is almost useless and you must try and survive until our resuers who we have not yet met come to help us evacuate Earth and its colonies from the warzone.
think collapsing skyscrapers, people screaming, lots of death happening around you.
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Comment number 52.
At 31st Jul 2008, mikeck wrote:Linger In Shadows
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Comment number 53.
At 12th Aug 2008, Inkenga wrote:Mighta Morfa Power Ranger wrote "I now heard that Sony are working on a title that puts the player in a very dire situation, where the mission of the player is based escaping that dire situation.
Involves an alien civilisation coming our aid, an unknown mechanical race that has declared genocide against biological life and they completely out do us in technological terms.
the player is completely discouraged from fighting back as our weaponary is almost useless and you must try and survive until our resuers who we have not yet met come to help us evacuate Earth and its colonies from the warzone.
think collapsing skyscrapers, people screaming, lots of death happening around you."
That certainly fits the description of stunning. It also sounds like such a scenario could have some groundbreaking storytelling. Where have you heard this from and how reliable was your source?
Darren, can you confirm or deny if this title is still slated for 2009?
You said that it was before, and it still is, knowing Sony's PR model, (hyping titles well in advance of release) we should be hearing about this within the coming months, possibly this month.
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Comment number 54.
At 20th Aug 2008, Tobi-WanTobster wrote:Come on then Darren - now that it's been shown at the LGC, can you confirm whether or not your mystery game is Heavy Rain?
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Comment number 55.
At 22nd Aug 2008, Veeder wrote:@54
Oh dear god in heaven. How many times in this and previous articles has Darren said it is not Heavy Rain?
PS My comment at #24 was aimed at #20.
PPS It is not Heavy Rain. It is BETTER than that..........
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Comment number 56.
At 28th Aug 2008, james83mills wrote:hey
was anything about this game shown at the Leipzig convention??
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Comment number 57.
At 28th Aug 2008, siberiantiger29 wrote:Well Darren was it Eyepet? Some how i doubt it.
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Comment number 58.
At 30th Aug 2008, Suikoden wrote:Angel Rings, right?
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Comment number 59.
At 10th Oct 2008, Suikoden wrote:Tokyo Games Show is in full swing now, has it been shown yet?
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Comment number 60.
At 10th Oct 2008, Inkenga wrote:You first commented on this game back in February and now,three major conferences and a half year later it looks like we will not see this "2009" game in trailer form until 2009. What of your promises that this title isnt vapourware? I'm skeptical of them.
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Comment number 61.
At 24th Nov 2008, Pound_lb003 wrote:Hello I am Kyle Barrett.
I can prove it through my email, but that is irrelevant. The onyl game it can still be is the Team ICO game.
And SCEE has defintely seen it, so it's not impossible.
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Comment number 62.
At 30th Nov 2008, loveOla wrote:@Darren Waters
We're all tired...
Please tell us more info , if it's a sequel game, or when you think it will be annonced/released please.
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Comment number 63.
At 2nd Jun 2009, Tobi-WanTobster wrote:Well, another year, another E3.
Is it The Last Guardian?
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Comment number 64.
At 2nd Jun 2009, foozen wrote:So Darren are we any closer to knowing this title or have you made enough of a name now!
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Comment number 65.
At 11th Jun 2009, H3ADTR1P wrote:Is it Agent???
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