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Obama presidency's first 100 days

Simon Wilson Simon Wilson | 11:33 UK time, Wednesday, 29 April 2009

With the temperature in the 90s (Fahrenheit) here in Washington this week, it seems much more than 100 days since that bone-chilling morning in January when Barack Obama set off for Capitol Hill to be sworn in as president.

President Barack Obama
Whatever we were anticipating back then, I am not sure any of us tasked with covering Washington could have imagined the sheer scope of the new president's agenda. As well as promoting his hugely expensive economic stimulus package to combat the recession, Mr Obama has announced significant policy changes on , on the and in relations with a range of countries including and . There have also been numerous other significant policy announcements which have received less coverage.

That's one of the reasons the ´óÏó´«Ã½ is providing such a wide range of coverage to mark the occasion. North America editor Justin Webb and our team of correspondents are examining all week .

There are often voices both inside and outside the ´óÏó´«Ã½ who wonder about the value of something as inherently artificial such as a 100 day deadline. But given the breathless pace of events since the Obama team took over, my sense is that this time it is as valid an exercise as it is ever likely to be. It's also worth pointing out, as Kevin Connolly does that the concept of the first 100 days was originally conceived by a president - Franklin D Roosevelt.

Our aim is that by the end of the week, ´óÏó´«Ã½ news audiences will have a better understanding of the Obama administration, of what it says it is trying to achieve and where the potential pitfalls may lie.

will be presenting a special programme from Chicago and there will be ´óÏó´«Ã½ News teams in Atlanta, Denver and St Louis in addition to our usual coverage from the east and west coasts.

We feel it is critically important to report America in its entirety at moments like this and not just from Washington, New York and Los Angeles.

One of the great things about ´óÏó´«Ã½ audiences is that they share our sense of ambition. They expect the ´óÏó´«Ã½ to be everywhere that matters and to be asking all the right questions. My favourite letter this week was from a Mr John Harvey, a reader who asked the following:

...I would like to ask why Justin Webb - or any of the other ´óÏó´«Ã½ correspondents in the United States - have failed to secure an interview with Mr Obama. His election is the single most important political event in my lifetime (I'm 53) and it is of the utmost public interest to have a substantial interview with Mr Obama on the ´óÏó´«Ã½...

Quite, Mr Harvey, quite. And hopefully within the next 100 days...

Simon Wilson is the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s Washington bureau editor.


  • Comment number 1.

    There are some of us who what not completely carried away by the hype generated by US media and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ before and following Obama's election success. For me there was no "gigantic" moment. A presidential election is pretty much the same no matter who the candidates are, and I do not see any considerable changes to the face of the planet that can be attributed to the White House or even the Senate or House of Representatives.

    It is better for people not to get carried away by romantic hype unless they are prepared for an unhappy awakening when the "love drug" starts wearing a little thin. Obama has still not moved on a criminal investigation into 9/11 which is a subject that offers a great deal of hope to the rest of the world if dirty hands were at work. That one deal could do an immense amount of good to Obama and to US politics in general.

  • Comment number 2.

    Yes, the ´óÏó´«Ã½ needs an interview with Mr Obama. I would like to see Stephen Saucker interview him with hardtalk. When watching especially American networkds, they are far too soft. When need to see Obama sweat, and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ should be the ones to do it.

  • Comment number 3.

    The first angle of attack:
    - Why let CIA torturers off the hook when they had broken the Geneva Convention and makes everybody less safe in the long run by seeming to condone torture?
    - If there is a dispute of whether waterboarding is torture, why not let the courts decide? Wasn't the equivalent of waterboarding used to find and interrogate witches in the 17th century?!
    - Why let Cheney off the hook? He claims that "good intelligence" was obtained from the CIA even though we now know the victims all had minders telling them what to say and confess to!
    - Indeed Cheney and Rumsfeld should also be prosecuted to determine whether or not they were criminally liable.
    - So where is the evidence linking OBL to 9/11? Doesn't that mean that the explosives found in the WTC dust, the physics of the collapses of three skyscrapers (WTC 1, 2 and 7), the lack of fighter intercepters etc all point to an Inside Job?

  • Comment number 4.

    I just listened with much dismay to a report of opinions in Oklahoma. The people who spoke were unable to express their displeasure of Obama without resorting to racist comments. It was mortifying to think of how many people were listening to this and thinking that all Americans feel this way. I can understand why America/Americans are unpopular...

  • Comment number 5.

    I can't remember anything similar to this for Bush's first 100 days.

    What's so special about Obama?

    And how does this hero worship fit with the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s obligation to impartiality?

    (If you want to see what SOME Americans think about him , have a look at )

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    Perhaps because Bush, Clinton, Kerry, and others, known to have a high degree of British blood, in fact, directly related to the Crown, have been red carpet treatment or a lot of fanfare during prior US dignitary visits.

  • Comment number 8.

    Obama is doing what he is told he is not god he has the common touch so this first 100 days what did Blair and Brown and Bush and Cheney do in a 100 days yes they made war? All that he has to do is set out he steps out of line well they have others waiting in the wings. It is because he is a black man that all this hype and he is friendly to all but like the Queen has no teeth he appeals to many who want someone to explain things to them and give them the backbone to stand up to those who wish to totally rule the world, and to feel that they are not little people, he has a compation about him and he does not come across as barking more than we can say for our leaders we have the sad, mad and bad we will no doubt soon get the raving standing in the wings already. He gets paid like many so works and is the mouth piece for the white people who see change were they are not the rules, the power has moved on all I can hope is that they will treat us better than we treated them.

  • Comment number 9.

    I am quite sure that an interview with the ´óÏó´«Ã½ was not on the Obama agenda for things to accomplish in the first 100 days.

  • Comment number 10.

    Why is it ok with the ´óÏó´«Ã½ to vote for someone because he is black but not because he is white?

  • Comment number 11.

    Just been watching ´óÏó´«Ã½ President Obama's 100 days and i do think that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ has been biased even before the election. Gavin Esler seems to be looking for people that oppose Obama for both right and wrong reasons and has not offered us a fair examination of the first 100 days. In addition, iw ould like to ask; "Is a 100 days enough time to examine progress at any level?

    Think about it, should we really be examining a country like America and it's progress after only a 100 days. i am not supprised at all at Gavin's continual negative questioning style.He is almost leading the answers by saying things like i quote" Do you think he is Liberal? Asking about Obama's divisiveness etc.... i'm sick of the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s attitude to reporting things about Obama!!!!things like thay want Obama to do well? Like it's something that could never happen( almost saying like Wishful thinking)

    i agree that Obama has made some risky/ possibly costly mistakes but i also think that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ is biased and they almost seem shocked by Obama's intelligience!! Civil rights and the economic crisis are very remotely related and it would not be discussed in so much detail if he was not a diffrent race to the usual.

    The ´óÏó´«Ã½ needs to take responsibility for their negative stereotyping of races( whether it be black or white Americans)

  • Comment number 12.

    Obama will say anything to anybody he has no position. He is a puppet of the ACLU that want to help terrorists and hurt law abiding citizens.
    In my state the ACLU is trying protect the rights of criminals while crime is going up and our property values are going down.
    get real.

  • Comment number 13.

    A Leader who completes his 100 days in office, needs to be appraised by his interactive,in depth involvements and his proactive approach to issues. There can not be a yardstick which reflects action. Firstly,it is his level of understanding and unbiased standing in matters that counts.He needs to be pragmatic and live by his instincts.Let us give him more time to prove himself.

  • Comment number 14.

    I just spent an hour seeking a recording of the program referred to here:
    At 1:55pm on 29 Apr 2009, hechisera wrote: (#4 above)

    I too heard the interview and though I was outraged at the attitudes of the people interviewed, I wanted to share the experience with others. Where IS it?!

  • Comment number 15.

    i am glad to see the vast majority of comments reflecting the underlying sanity of people in the actual world, as opposed to the hyperbolic nonsense spouted by such 'unbiased' reportage as seen on the ´óÏó´«Ã½.
    If Jesus had descended to earth i doubt he would have received the same fawning exhalation and brown nosed praise... unless perhaps if he turned out to be black.
    Where exactly is the 'CHANGE'?
    I have heard much about the supposed closure of guantanamo bay, yet at the same time he has won a ruling declaring prisinors held there without basic rights such as haebus corpus, a concept mr Obama seems disinterested by, to not be classifiable as 'persons' and so have no rights with regard to, say, being drowned, beaten, electrocuted, humiliated,... etc, etc.
    I'm sure something people were interested in was a closure on the disastrous hellholes of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and yes, people, BELIEVE! there will only be a small force in iraq - for security and demockracy - of around 70000 troops plus however many private mercenaries as are required to subjugate a country. And yes, why not have another go at Afghanistan too; all that permanent base building will give the housing industry a good push.
    He graces rougue states with dialogue, he graces israeli democracy with more missiles and bombs. He talks of neuclear disarmament and peace, while building 'tactical' nuclear warheads. (at least he has a tactic for his mass murder; so much better than the random type of holocaust)

    What about subservience to the powers that be? - well his 'bold' generosity to the common banker has been a real show of his generous egalitarian spirit. Of course, while the real economy crumbles around the house of worthless dollar bills, we can be sure that the greedy people who created this mess in the first place (with a little help from our buy now pay later mindset) will end up with a big enough float to ride above the drowning heads of the common man.

    Still, when the economies of the world fall into complete panic and there is a call for a strong figure to unite the world under the aegis of some kind of extra national regulatory body, Mr Obama shall lead the way, a figure of racial inclusion, a powerful speaker, a man with a lovely wife... and finally he shall show us not to fear friendly bankers such as those in the IMF and the BIS. our saviour! As we struggle our way through a future of infinite debt, we shall be most indebted to this historic man who taught us all to trust politicians and to love again.

  • Comment number 16.

    The President is spending money faster than we can print or borrow it. We can not solve all the world's ills alone . Nato member nations must add boots to the ground and decks of ships to combat terror strikes around the globe. We forget and forgive evil too soon in an attempt at false peace. Europeans must remember the diplomatic appeasement leading up to World War II . My family has payed the ultimate price in defense of Europe and USA . Israel is now faced with a divide or be terrorized ultimatum that is not a real or lasting peace prospect for all concearned . I propose we look to the reality of the people we are striking agreements with . The people of these nations deserve true peace and prosperity. Neither peace nor prosperity will be the outcome of a divided Israel.

  • Comment number 17.

    I can't believe the ´óÏó´«Ã½ has bought into the Obama myth. If you were to present at least a balanced report you would give equal mention to the following facts about the last 100 days in which Obama has - justified the use of torture; opposed habeas corpus; asked for more secret government; kept at least 17,000 prisoners beyond the reach of justice; won an appeal that Guantanamo prisoners are not "persons" and so have no right not to be tortured; doubled the number of civilians killed by US drones in Pakistan; provoked Russia by placing missiles on it's border and thrown trillions of dollars at the same fraudsters who destroyed the economy. Let's not forget the lie about withdrawing from Iraq but leaving behind 70,000 soldiers or the abandonment of the Palestinians in Gaza. Perhaps his main achievement is to have successfully conned the entire mainstream media. Sad days indeed.

  • Comment number 18.

    It is a part of the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Charter to be neutral and objective. So why did the ´óÏó´«Ã½ lose all neutrality and objectivity in joining up to the "first black president" hyperbole in November 2008 and then again in January 2009?

    And now, after one hundred days, we are asked to participate in a vote to extol the impressive insight of hyped up cartloads of journalists so utterly brilliant in spotting that Obama's skin is not, and never has been, white. Just how many people didn't know that before the election? Boy, how we need these journalists to help us poor folks out.

    I am waiting patiently by my radio to hear word of the emancipation of the Afro-Caribbean US people, lifted from their ghettos into a life full of hope, a well paid job, modern accommodation, and neighbourhoods free from drugs, guns, crime, murder, rape, and child abuse. I will join in with their wonderful gospel songs, singling loudly at the top of my voice and truly hailing a new beginning for the whole wide world. If you do that Mr Obama, then I shall believe.

  • Comment number 19.

    Who is Obama, that we should worship him? Why is he referred to as 'Black' when at least half of him is White? The ´óÏó´«Ã½ propaganda machine is so predictable. Independent, I think not. Can I have my TV license money refunded please? Thought not. Just another thieving tax.

  • Comment number 20.

    hi .........
    I am Yogendra,.........Obama is doing what he is told he is not god he has the common touch so this first 100 days what did Blair and Brown and Bush and Cheney do in a 100 days yes they made war? All that he has to do is set out he steps out of line well they have others waiting in the wings. It is because he is a black man that all this hype and he is friendly to all but like the Queen has no teeth he appeals to many who want someone to explain things to them and give them the backbone to stand up to those who wish to totally rule the world, and to feel that they are not little people, he has a compation about him and he does not come across as barking more than we can say for our leaders we have the sad, mad and bad we will no doubt soon get the raving standing in the wings already. He gets paid like many so works and is the mouth piece for the white people who see change were they are not the rules, the power has moved on all I can hope is that they will treat us better than we treated them. thanx for all..byeeeee nice meeting you,,,,,,,,,,

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 21.

    There can be a workable option for peace.Put Afghanistan under the joint control of UNO and Organisation of Islamic Conference,hold impartial elections and save this unfortunate country from further death and destruction.

  • Comment number 22.

    hi .........
    I am Yogendra,.........Yes, the ´óÏó´«Ã½ needs an interview with Mr Obama. I would like to see Stephen Saucker interview him with hardtalk. When watching especially American networkds, they are far too soft. When need to see Obama sweat, and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ should be the ones to do it.thanx
    keep going well next 100 days...........

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 23.

    Mr Obama is genuinely trying to make America stand tall again. There are so many tricky issues on his plate. The popularity adulation is very much justified as he has has shown tremendous presence of mind, good leadership and perfect management of national and international issues. Rather than taking a blinkered unilateral stance, Obama has projected a broader multilateral stance which has drawn high praise from leaders across the globe; some of whom were highly critical of America in the past. His meeting with Hugo Chavez is one good example. His ability to reach out to people and really empathatise with them have already paid rich dividends.

  • Comment number 24.

    #23 "popularity adulation is very much justified"

    Popularity adulation is NEVER justified. Amongst the "very popular" league was Adolf Hitler.... as for justification, well that is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Comment number 25.


    Common Sense

    Congress has been getting more money out of us lately than (John Herbert Dillinger, famous bank robber in the 1920-1930 era). Dillinger did not take it till after you get it, but Congress is making us all sign (IOUs) for all we will ever get during our lifetime. (Will Rodgers, May 13th 1934).

    Haves Burden

    Well, nothing has changed in (75) Seventy-Five years, we had to payoff the (IOUs) of the last generation, that were written up by the haves of the last generation, for the have-nots of the next generation to payoff, and that seems about par for the course over the decades without change. Now, contrary to popular belief men are not created equal, it just is not reality, the minute a have is born a Silver Spoon is popped into their mouth, and common sense is popped out, were as the have-nots pop out they are handed a government (IOU), faced with the reality that it will take common sense to just get by. Now, it is the same bunch an their heirs that keep things running the way they have been running, not saying that it has been run all that well. But the have-nots have one silver lining in the black cloud, you look at the kids of the Haves and you begin to see why they have to have a lot of money, to not only support themselves, but to pass on to the next set of Haves (their burden), old Paris is a good example, the girl would stave to death without having that Silver Spoon, at least the Have-not, kids have enough sense to get out of the rain.

    Rahm Emanuel The Man For The Job

    The one good thing, is these Democratic are hell bent for leather to make all men equal, now we know that all men are not equal at birth, or living, but when Joe Black, stops in to pay a visit, then that makes all men equal. And, the Imperial Media Messiah President, and the (544) Imperial Court, seem to be heading down the path to ensure that in fact not only will those living within the (AIE) American Israeli Empire are equal but the whole world will be just as equal and just as dead, and Rahm Emanuel is just the person to ensure the process is on a fast track. Its hard finding ways to get the money to pay for the instrument of making mankind equal at a cost of (1.14B) One-Point-Fourteen-Billion Euros per day, for the pre-emptive ending of Mankind, but if anyone can do it Rahm Emanuel is the Man for The job. So, the next generation should not be to concerned about those (IOUs), no one is going to be around to collect on them.

  • Comment number 26.

    2. grignard wrote:

    When need to see Obama sweat, and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ should be the ones to do it.

    I like your sense of humour. For the past year the ´óÏó´«Ã½ has been gazing at Obama with adoring eyes, like a bunch of star-struck teenagers at a rock concert with Obama as the lead singer. Yet you imagine that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ would give him a tough interview?

    I also doubt that an interview with the ´óÏó´«Ã½ is high on Obama's list of priorities. And I don't think he is impressed with Britain as a whole. Remember the shabby treatment he gave Gordon Brown?

  • Comment number 27.


    The One World Leader

    Now, with each day the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), works to undermined the Sphere of Influence that exist, the Obama administration has already stated that it does not recognize spheres of influence, a direct reference to the Russian Federation ambitions within Eurasia. The New World Order has been laid out by Mr. Leslie Gelb at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, the Hierarchical Structure, One World Leader Structure, this comes under the Grand Game II, the Chessboard Game Theory, of (FSWD) Full Spectrum World Domination Doctrine of Zbigniew Brazezinski the Father of International Terrorism In support of the goals of the (AIE) American Israeli Empire, in its misuse of power, establishing the principle that The Ends Justify the Mean, Might Makes Right, that the Empire above all others has the right to use FORCE, against anyone who it ultimately thinks is going to be a threat to it to preserve access to (RESOURCES AND MARKETS), were international boarders and laws mean nothing and what goes on in your neighbors backyard, is your business and you have every right to interfere into the business of your neighbors, using what ever type and amount of force you need to use. That détente is appeasement and should never be tolerated, and the (UN) United Nations is nothing more than an international social club which is good only as a tool to achieve the goal of (AIE) American Israeli Empire.

    The Hierarchical Structure

    Mr. Leslie Gelb at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, stated that the (AIE), is at the top of the world hierarchical structure of world power, and that the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), is the head of the World State, and made it clear time and time again in his presentation that he did not want the (AIE) to share power with any other country. And, that the world needed this type of hierarchical structure, creating a better behavioral and efficient structure, with the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), is the head of the World State, the one leader, with the rest following and working for the good of the group. The basic idea was for the (AIE) American Israeli Empire to be the manager state over the global economics of the world with the (NYSE) New York Stock Exchange the center of economic investments and trading with other world branch markets of the (NYSE), the (IMF) International Monetary Fund, and World Bank, made up of member countries representing around (90%) Ninety-Percent of global gross nation product, (80%) eighty per-cent of world trade and (66%) Sixty-Six Percent of the worlds population is based in the (AIE) with the entire monetary system based upon the (AIE) dollar. Along with providing the base world currency, center or economic trade, the (AIE) would be the World Police Officer, drawing on military assets, provided from member countries, with no restraint upon its authority, with over (300) Three-hundred military bases, located within (130) One-hundred-thirty countries scattered around the globe, financed by the (AIE) taxpayer, and every country that holds, treasury bonds, government securities, and short term treasury bills, at a cost of (1.14B) One-Point-Fourteen-Billion Euros per day to keep its military installations and personnel functioning not only at home, but abroad. The (AIE) would have Global Domination, as a benign Manager State.

    Sovereign or Vassal States

    The Question is when did all this change in the World Social Economic Order occur? When did the leadership, of these various Spheres of Influence, become vassals to the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), head of the World State? When did the Spheres of Influence; the (BRIC), Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Republic of China, the German & French Axis, and the British Commonwealth, become states dedicated to the New World Order in which they are there to serve only as lesser states, reporting to and bowing to, the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), is the head of the World State? Spheres of influence exist and the Imperial Media Messiah World President and (CEO), (AIE) American Israeli, can choose to deny the truth at his own peril. The (BRIC), Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Republic of China, the German & French Axis, and the British Commonwealth all are in fact spheres of influence, and they are in fact flexing their collective muscles geo-politically-economically-militarily, and by simply choosing to not recognize the reality shows naïveté at best. The leadership of the Spheres of Influence must now decide, are they heads of vassal states or sovereign states exercising influence within there geo-political, economic, social, and military, spheres, for the benefits of those within them, making pragmatic decisions based on their own long term development or slaves within the New World Order.

  • Comment number 28.

    Well appart from like all American Presidents expecting us to foot a huge bill when he and other unwanted foreign, so called, leaders came to support the failure Brown I can think of nothing he has done of any note. But then neither have nay of these over paid politicians.

  • Comment number 29.

    A 24-7 News Cycle requires instant messaging, and 100 days is an instant in the Obama Administration.

  • Comment number 30.

    The excessive amount of Obama-mania over the last 100 days - and well before, by our media, is now starting to grate. Let's just relate the news as it happens and let us decide, after reading the facts, just who we should like - or not.

    Why does the media constantly seek to popularise 'celebs', be they overpaid footballers, well-built starlets or even Politico's to such an extent?

    No wonder our kids have problems when these 'celebs' constantly fill our media. These 'role-models' are the 'stuff of dreams' - not the norm'. Let's have them shown in some kind of perspective.

  • Comment number 31.


    (May 6th 2009)The provocative, international military exercise, just a few hundred kilometers from the Russian Federation border. Cooperative Longbow\Lancer.

    In a move to ensure the security South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the two new Republics boarding the Russian Federation, and within in the Sphere of Influence of the Russian Federation, (FSB) Federal Security Service, Regional Border Department of the Southern Federal, moving rapidly are already in positions along the border between the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and South Ossetia after having signed an agreement on Thursday, April 30th 2009, between the Russian Federation and the two republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia for its deployment. The Command Post will be located in Tskhinvali proper, of units of unspecified strength, but estimated at from (7.8K-10K), Seven-point-eight thousand troops in the two regions. Deployed along the entire borders of the two Republics. To protect the border the latest modern equipment will be used, including video surveillance and detection systems and unmanned aircraft, the border guards will ensure the territorial integrity and prevent infringement by the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia upon the sovereign territories of the two Republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. According to Georgian President Saakashvili, within the last weeks the Russia Federation has (3) three times increased the amount of their armed forces on the two republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the Abkhaz and Tskhinval areas and has deployed practically the whole of its Black Sea Fleet in Georgias territorial waters. That means that (NATO) is out numbered at least on the ground (10::1) ten to one, the Russian Federation holds control of the Black Sea (100%), and the air (100%), a Georgian Army that seeks a coup détat in the country, and Georgian Opposition promising that their protests are entering the active phase, threatening to distract Mikhail Saakashvili's ability to move around the capital.

    (May 6th 2009) The (Af-Pak) Crisis;

    Throw Tax-payer, money at it, (300.3M) Three-hundred-point three million Euros, in military aide, and (1.13B) One-Point-thirteen Billion Euros per year, for (5) Five Years in Economic Aide, or (5.6B), Five-point-six Billion Euros total for those years a grand total, of (5.93B), Five-point-nine-three Billions Euros, and you know it will be much higher than that, More Time, More Money, More Troops, More Mission Creep.


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