What did you think of the show? (10/11/08)
Queen of daytime TV Fern Britton joined Christine and Adrian tonight.
Justin Rowlatt looked at the problem of dangerous dogs. He met one mum who thinks that current laws aren't working. How do we stop dog attacks? Click here to have your say.
David Lindo showed us how to keep hungry squirrels away from the bird feed.
Ahead of Armistice Day, Dan Snow told us the inspiring story of Walter Tull - the first black officer in the British Army.
And naturalist Mike Dilger went in search of the UK's rarest bird, the albatross.
See also: Do you know of an unwanted war memorial plaque? Help One Show viewer Michael Lyons in his quest to find his local school their own symbol of Remembrance. Click here to find out more.
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