Anthony Hopkins' art to go on show

Hopkins has spoken of his love of painting, saying: "When I paint, I just paint freely without anxiety regarding outside opinions as criticisms. I do it for sheer pleasure. It's done wonders for my for my subconscious... I dream now in colours".

The exhibition organiser, Jonathan Poole, praised the actor's work: "I am delighted to be showcasing the works by Anthony Hopkins and, personally, I am a huge fan of his works. This exhibition gives people the chance to see a different side of Sir Anthony in terms of his artistry and also his unique personality."
The exhibition will run at Gallery 27 in London between 16-20 February and at The Dome in Edinburgh from 2-6 March.
Meanwhile, Hopkins will soon grace the silver screen with the forthcoming release of horror film The Wolfman, a remake of the 1941 thriller, in which he stars with Benicio Del Toro and Emily Blunt.
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