project/ten opens autumn#1 exhibition
Contemporary art and design gallery are set to launch their third exhibition this week in one of Cardiff's celebrated arcades.

Vladimir Rachev's art work, Phone
project/ten are Cardiff's newest and first design-focused gallery who champion the most contemporary and progressive art and design in the Welsh capital. They support emerging artists, each of whom have a link with Wales, by way of pop-up gallery spaces that are housed in temporary locations.

Debbie Smyth's nail and thread work, Le Chaise
This exhibition, entitled autumn#1, will occupy units 22-24 in Cardiff's Morgan Arcade, and features as part of the .
It will feature new and recent work by the gallery's artists, including newcomers Katie Bray and Kat Mortimer, and is set to showcase a selection of limited prints, original canvases and a one-off site-specific painting.
Plus, quirky art pieces will be on show such as a chair made entirely from up-cycled cutlery and lightboxes crafted from disposable cigarette lighters.
autumn#1 will be the third pop-up exhibition from the gallery. The first, spring #1, was held at the while the second, summer #1, took over a warehouse at the back of City Road. They also currently have a gallery space at the 's Ffresh lounge.
autumn #1 runs from Friday 1 to Saturday 16 October, and will be open from Monday to Saturday, 10-6pm. The exhibition officially launches this Saturday from 3-6pm.
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