The great snows of 1947, 1962 and 1963
Most of us have an idealised version of our childhood years. In our memories the sun shone all summer long and it was always light until 10 or 11 at night.

Earlswood near Chepstow. Photograph by Gail Jones.
It rarely rained apart from when there were thunderstorms, the intensity of which have never been repeated. In particular, it snowed every year, crisp white snow like balls of cotton wool - and always at Christmas. As Dylan Thomas said "There was always snow at Christmas."
That might be, mainly, how people fantasise about their past. Yet there are elements of truth in those dreams.
Two years, in particular, have impinged themselves onto the imagination of everyone who experienced them. They were, for many, the snowiest months this country has ever seen.
First there was the winter of 1947. It was just two years after the end of World War Two and Britain was certainly not prepared for such an onslaught of harsh weather conditions.
The snow began on 21 January and within hours roads and railway lines across Wales - across the whole of Britain, come to that - were totally blocked.
Coal was already in short supply, the mining industry not having recovered from the privations of the war years, and now trains and lorries struggled to get what limited stocks that were available through to the power stations.
Many of these power stations simply ran out of fuel and were left with no alternative other than to shut down. And that, of course, meant power cuts, at a time when people really needed their electricity.
Reluctantly, the government was forced to cut domestic electricity supplies to just 18 hours a day. It was a hugely unpopular move and the Labour Party was to suffer dearly for the restriction in the elections of 1950.
That was not all, however. Radio broadcasts were severely limited and the new TV service, so recently reinstated after being suspended for the duration of the war, found itself once more being shut down until the crisis had passed.

Evanston photograph taken by Keith Jones
Newspapers were reduced in size and many magazine, being regarded by the government as hardly essential, were totally closed down. Shops and schools were shut - the latter to the great delight of children across the country.
For them the prospect of sledging and snowball fights were far more inviting than boring lessons in cold, draughty classrooms.
For their parents, however, it was a time of deprivation and considerable concern. As the weeks of snow and cold dragged on there were even fears of food shortages as farmers could not tend their crops and livestock. Vegetables were simply frozen into the ground.
On the Denbighshire hills there was 1.5 metres (five foot) of snow with drifts of over 20 feet in some places. Men and women did not walk down lanes, they simply walked over them and their flanking hedges, as the snow lay so deep and thick
.Public transport simply could not run, particularly in the rural areas of Wales, and with whole villages cut off for days on end the RAF was forced to make vital food drops to the stranded populace.
, the government minister in charge of the country's economic situation, became the most despised man in the country. He even received death threats and had to be given a police escort.
It was not until the middle of March that the snow eventually began to thaw. But when it did it happened very quickly - with the result that in many parts, with the ground beneath the snow so frozen, there was nowhere for the water to go and severe flooding began to occur.
The snow of 1962/63 (the Big Freeze as it is sometimes known) was not so severe as that of 1947 but it certainly lasted much longer.
For nearly three months icy, barren wastes of snow lay across the land and the only way of traveling around was on foot as buses and cars found themselves marooned in deep snow drifts. Roads were death traps that only the most desperate or foolish would even try to use. That winter has been recorded as Britain's coldest period since 1740.
Snow began to fall on Boxing Day 1962, followed by a severe blizzard over south west England and Wales on 29 and 30 of December.
Power lines were brought down and, as if the snow wasn't enough, large parts of the country were hit by freezing fog. In February 1963 there was more snow, this time accompanied by gale force winds, and temperatures in parts of rural Denbighshire fell to minus 18 degrees centigrade.
Lakes and rivers froze and huge blocks of ice were seen on many beaches. It was even reported that, at Penarth in Glamorganshire, the sea actually froze solid.
With roads and pavements more like sheets of glass than user-friendly tarmac, miners in the Welsh valleys found it increasingly difficult to reach their pits and many mines actually closed - with the inevitable result that coal supplies ran short. Factories closed and sporting fixtures right across the country were called off.
In the minds and memories of many people it seemed as if the freezing conditions had been here for ever. Finally, however, things began to improve. The morning of 6 March was the first time since the snow began to fall on Boxing Day the year before that people awoke to a day of no frost. After that a quick thaw set in as temperatures rose and the Great Freeze was finally over.
These days we rarely have snow like that of 1947 and 1962/63. Climatic conditions are different now but there is no doubt that for every person who lived through those traumatic times the great snow falls will never be forgotten.
Comment number 1.
At 3rd Dec 2010, Phil wrote:Amazing to think that since I wrote the above blog we've seen, probably, the worst snow since 1963 - perhaps not here in Wales but certainly in the east of England. It only goes to prove that whatever you think, whatever you say, you're sure to get caught out sooner or later.
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Comment number 2.
At 4th Dec 2010, rmacmhor wrote:You are right about us having idealised versions of our childhood Phil. My memory of the fifties is that we had at least 2 good snowfalls every year and could go sledging. I know for a fact it wasn’t really like that, but it’s the snowy years we remember. 1947 is just outside my memory, but 1962 – ’63 I remember vividly.
We had some snow in November and early December ’62, then on Boxing day another snowfall, but I recorded at the time that the ‘big snow’ in Pembrokeshire started on the night of 29th – 30th December. It snowed all day on the 30th, all night , and stopped on the morning of the 31st. I went up to the Barrack Hill overlooking Pembroke Dock with a 2ft ruler and measured a level 18 inches of snow. So we all got the home-made sledges out. The best sledge run was from Defensible Barracks down the wide track that led to the top of Pembroke St., and since there was no traffic you could carry on down Pembroke St. to the Market. A couple of enterprising souls made it right to the bottom of Commercial Row. That must be a record.
As you remember Phil, our school was closed for an extra week because the cuttings on the approach roads were filled in by drifts. That’s the only time I can ever remember a school being closed because of snow. More time for sledging. A few other memories of that winter: Freezing rain, when for one day it rained and the water turned to ice on top of the hard packed snow. Another day I went for a trip in the boat and rowed to West Pennar, (I must have been mad!) There, in an easterly wind the spray from the waves breaking on the mudflats instantly froze and billowed over the flats like snow. The mudflats themselves froze as the tide went out.
The thaw came in March and we were treated to the sight of ice floes floating down Milford Haven from the upper reaches. I’d never seen that before, or since. Lots of other memories of that winter but that’s enough for now.
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Comment number 3.
At 9th Dec 2010, clemred wrote:l remember the snowes of 62 l was 12 at that time,we were sent home from school because the tolets were froozen.Our tolets were outside in the yard,not like today schools,the snow was up to our window siles for weeks we hade to dig our way out of the house to get out on to the hill to do shoping.We were of school for weeks at the time the snow just keep comeing down,i remember the milktops wear of the top of the milk frozen,that is what you call snow
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Comment number 4.
At 9th Dec 2010, Phil wrote:The comment about the milk tops off the bottles really took me back. I was playing for the Pembrokeshire Under 15s side and we went on "tour" to the Rhondda area - not that we had any chance of playing as the grounds were frozen solid. But in the house where I was staying they had lemonade bottles in the porch and the lemonade had frozen and expanded. It pushed the liquid up out of the bottles and left the screw caps perched on top. It was an amazing sight.
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