At the Eurosonic festival, Groningen, the Netherlands
Eurosonic is a unique music festival in that it's a co-operative event that started as "members" - aka radio stations or suchlike - brought one band each. It's an ethos that's still at the heart of the festival.
There are also lots of Welsh acts playing this year, including Marina & the Diamonds, Los Campesinos! and Ellie Goulding. Also some exciting new British talent are playing in the form of The XX, Everything Everything and The Leisure Society. So as you can see it's one of the first important stops in the musical calendar for bands who might be looking to widen their touring net.
I first heard of Eurosonic when the late great John Peel brought North Wales' Melys out to represent the UK, many years ago, and remember the band telling me what an incredible time they'd had at the event.
Well at this time of writing it's 3.30am Dutch time and the first day has been a blast. I've watched Italian indie, Finnish folk, Danish Grime, Norwegian post rock, and German pub rock... Yep, the latter not so good!
Here's a quick list of the best who played today.
Seabear, intimate indie-folk from Iceland
CALLmeKAT, cosy and cuddly wonky pianos from Danish singer.
Jamaica, French rock duo produced by Justice bod!
Isbells, sparse close harmony singing, originally recorded in an old Ìý
shack in Belgium. Lush.
Lucy Love, Danish MIA style mc with dark and loud Dubstep bass and Ìý
grime beats.
The Megaphonic Thrift, Norwegian post-rock/punk mixture, part Sonic Ìý
Youth part My Bloody Valentine wall of sound and personal highlight of Ìý
the night.
And finally some photos, of varying quality. Here's Finland's Vuk:

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