Beachwatch: Ogmore beach clean

It takes place on the 3rd weekend of September every year, and thousands of volunteers all over Britain get involved in cleaning their local beaches.
Look out for the Beachwatch sign, and people wearing bright orange tabards!
Ogmore Beach car park is now 'pay & display' so you will need to bring some change (£4 should cover it).
There will be a briefing before hand during which all your questions will be answered and gardening gloves, bin bags and litter pickers will be handed out.
Sensible footwear, clothing and suncream is highly recommended so you're prepared for any weather!
Beachwatch is open to children of all ages, however for safety reasons children of 16 yrs and under will need to be accompanied by an adult.
In the morning before the beach clean there will be art-based beach activities for children and families including 'rubbish sculpture' and giant beach art from 10.45am to 12.30pm.
If you are spending the day there then please remember to take a packed lunch.
Ogmore Beach is such a beautiful place and the clean up really does make a huge difference. Removing beach litter makes the beach a nicer, safer place for people and marine wildlife.
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