First aid training for walkers
I personally found it really useful and am now a lot more confident about handling a situation such as resuscitation, god forbid it ever occurs.
As a surfer, this technique is particularly useful for me to know, especially with more and more people taking to the seas on a variety of wave craft - many of whom are completely inexperienced.
So I highly recommend attending a course if you ever have the opportunity...which leads me nicely onto this:
I just noticed that there are training days being offered to walkers by in November 2009.
Two training days were held in June for people interested in leading or helping with activities and guided walks and the team are keen to expand on this and play a greater role in next year's Monmouthshire Walking Festival.
There is only so much you can cover in a day but the basics are all there as well as various scenarios such as broken ankles etc which are all played out in the field, which is always useful and brings a sense of realism to it all.
The training days will be repeated in November, so if you are interested in leading walks or activities get in touch with Morag Sinton or phone 01633 644663 for more details.
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