Your first swallow of the year
So have you seen your first swallow of 2010? If so, have you managed to capture one on camera yet?
Not sure what to look for? Watch some video clips.
'Steve B' from Cardiff snapped this one rummaging in the mud in May 2009:

We've had our first sand martin pic sent in and had a few reports of house martins and swallows arriving...but no evidence.
If you've snapped one or just seen some, then get in touch and leave a comment. The login process is dead easy and takes seconds to complete.
as usual and I'll feature some of the best ones. Alternatively you can e-mail your pics to me here at
It'd be nice to try and build up a picture of their movements as they return to Wales and see when and where they arrive first.
Comment number 1.
At 11th Apr 2010, John Bennett wrote:I saw my first Swallows yesterday (10 APR 10) whilst I was fishing at Grange Springs Fishing Lakes. They were scimming the service of the lakes feeding.
It was a beautiful site to see. I wish that I had taken my camera with me, maybe next time.
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Comment number 2.
At 12th Apr 2010, gull wrote:Cheers John - I was beginning to think I was going to have to reply to my own blog post ;)
I saw one yesterday too - nearly crashed the van in excitement yesterday as I drove through Nottage in Porthcawl!
I spotted one on a telephone wire near a farmers barn sunning itself. Like you I didn't have my camera either and didn't think my mobile phone camera would do it justice.
Perhaps they all got their visas stamped yesterday?
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Comment number 3.
At 12th Apr 2010, Mike wrote:I saw one at Parc Slip near Bridgend on 4th April :-). I did have my camera with me but it was too far away and only made two swoops over the water before leaving :-(
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Comment number 4.
At 14th Apr 2010, joy wrote:March 23rd near Talley in Carmarthenshire - I saw my first swallow. I was so excited as last year I didnt see one til april 11th. I wanted my husband to turn the car around so I could go and get a picture but he wouldnt.
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Comment number 5.
At 14th Apr 2010, gull wrote:We've recently had out first sent in!
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Comment number 6.
At 14th Apr 2010, dave cooke wrote:1400 14/4/10- haverfordwest.looked out of window and saw a swallow flit by!
one only. went streight outside and it flew about a bit and then continued west to east.tried to capture some video with my mobile but it was too far off for to make out.i thought i'd check online to see whether anyone else has seen any and found your website.are they early this year??
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Comment number 7.
At 15th Apr 2010, gull wrote:Hi Dave,
Glad you found us and thanks for checking in on swallow watch 2010 ;)
No, I don't think they're particularly early this year - a little late if anything as they normally begin to arrive around the end of March.
But they don't seem to have arrived in significant numbers yet - just one or two here and there.
Some folk equate this with having hotter summers especially if the swallows arrive later in April, but I'm not going to tempt fate!
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Comment number 8.
At 16th Apr 2010, paul hatton wrote:We spotted our first swallows on April 1st 2010 near Botallack in West Penwith. I assume they had just arrived and one, swiftly followed by several more travelling companions appeared over the cliffs at Midday. A lovely sight!
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Comment number 9.
At 20th Apr 2010, peter martin wrote:First swallow this morning (9.30) 20th april; last year on the 19th;
the previous two years they arrived around the 1st of May.
Location : Cresswell, Morpeth, Northumberland.
Yipee, summer has arrived; hopefully!!!!
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Comment number 10.
At 22nd Apr 2010, gull wrote:I saw plenty down in West Wales on Tuesday - zipping in and out of the hedgerows like die hard combat pilots! right in front of my car as I drove back from Martin's Haven, Marloes.
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