Blue tit rescue
Rachel Dicker e-mailed us to tell us all about a stranded bird she recently rescued:
"This is a picture of a baby blue tit we found wandering around the garden who had obviously left his nest too early and couldn't fly and had no idea where his nest was".
"We have loads of cats in our garden so I knew it wasn't going to survive long. I picked it up and put it in a old hamster cage with some bedding up in a tree".
A fluffy chick in his temporary accommodation:

"We had him for just over a week. The children played with him each day then put him back in his cage and he became really friendly".
"His mum and dad continued to feed him throughout the time he was with us and were quite happy to go inside the cage to do this".
"I shut the cage door at dusk and got up each morning at 4.30 to open it up again so the cats couldn't get him. He eventually got confident and flew away. We were all very sad but happy that we were able to help".
And we've also been following Joysaphine's valiant efforts over on our Flickr group who took on an entire brood after the parents were killed by cats. .
Obviously it goes without saying that you should never intervene unless it's absolutely necessary and even then, it's sometimes better to let nature take its course.
But it's always nice when rescue stories have a happy ending :)
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