Whale and dolphin watching
"With two reports of minke whales seen in the Bristol Channel this month as well as hundreds of common dolphins off Pembrokeshire - it's safe to say, the whale & dolphin watching season is already off to a spectacular start".
"June seems to be a particularly good month for seeing minke whales in our waters".
"A recent survey by the just off the South Pembrokeshire Coast produced a feeding frenzy with at least two minke whales and one larger whale - probably a fin whale".
"Risso's dolphins as well as hundreds of common dolphins were also recorded. Another minke whale was seen yesterday by charter vessel 'Jessica Hettie', off Lundy Island".
A common dolphin off Ramsey Island taken by Richard Crossen on 6 June, 2010:

"People are often surprised to hear of whales in our waters but with this beautiful weather and calm seas - we're hoping for a bumper season of sightings".
"It seems that from our records, minke whales start arriving in our waters about now (June), following the mackerel shoals".
"They also seem to be breeding here as can be seen from Adrian Shepherds picture taken on one of our recent surveys":

"Last August we were surrounded by huge fin whales so you never really know what's going to be out there".
Find out more about whales and dolphin sightings off the Welsh coast by following the .
We've had some so take a look if you have a spare minute.
As usual - you can submit pics to our Flickr group or e-mail them to us at wales.nature@bbc.co.uk.
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