Your wildlife pics
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009 exhibition is coming to Cardiff this month. The exhibit will run from 19 June - 12 Sept at the so well worth a visit if you're interested in wildlife photography and improving your skills.
Back to your work now. Our Wales nature is flourishing so I've picked out a couple of unusual ones that caught my eye this week.
Here's something you don't get to photograph very often - a stoat killing a rabbit. Al Preston initially thought the stoat was being chased by the rabbit but things quickly reversed:

Funnily enough I was down Gower surfing early on Saturday morning when a stoat darted straight across the path in front of me - quick as a flash!
Bearded tits have been in the news lately at the RSPB reserve in Conwy. A pair have finally bred - the first for 40 years in North Wales and the chicks have recently fledged.
Kenbray 54 snapped this bearded tit amongst the reed beds:

And it just goes to show that you don't have to move far away from urban populations to find great wildlife on your doorstep. This great crested grebe complete with chicks was taken at Roath Park, Cardiff by Moses Davies:

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