Stacking up
In June the stars of the webcam - the razorbill family had their chick hatch. 'Cymro' as he's now known has been doing well and (thanks to some attentive parents) recently flew the nest.
Razorbill soaring over Ellens Tower at South Stack. Image by Ben Hall/

From now, if all goes to plan, the male will feed the chick over the next 8-10 weeks until he learns to fly, dive and feed for himself. At present, the female razorbill has been guarding the nest site in preparation for next year's visit.
You can currently watch all the razorbill action via the cliffs.
The puffins have also been spotted with sand eels bulging from their bills, so the team are hopeful that the chicks are growing well.
All be revealed towards the end of the month when they make their first daring departure into the sea...
Puffins at South Stack by Chris Gomersall/

If you fancy watching this drama unfold with your own eyes then you can - on Saturday, 10 July at 9 pm but please book in advance on 01407 764973.
Last weekend the reserve celebrated all things 'seabird'. Jen - the People Engagement Assistant drew the short straw and dressed up in an enormous puffin outfit, much to the amusement of visitors. But a good time was had by all with plenty of themed activities and competitions taking place.
Inside the new swanky cafe at South Stack:

The new cafe at South Stack has been keeping everyone busy and since opening in May 2010, more than 5,000 visitors have passed through it's doors, so pop in if your hungry, thirsty or both.
I visited South Stack last year with Springwatch and had a great time. It's a beautiful set up, overlooking the steep sided sea cliffs and you get to see the razorbills actually swimming underwater below you as they chase sand eels for lunch.
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