Wet weather and fungi
We're in for a bit of a soaking shortly as low pressure winds up in the Atlantic.
It's great news for all the surfers in Wales though as we're in for some big waves and offshore winds over the next few days, with more unsettled weather arriving next week.
Apologies if you don't surf. My advice - invest in a large umbrella or stay indoors ;)
Hopefully we'll have a bit of sunshine in between though and the winds are expected to lighten for Saturday.
One man's pain is another man's pleasure I guess...which leads me nicely on to golf.
I really hope the Ryder Cup gets under way before the stormy weather arrives as it would be a real shame if the event was a wash out, so fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.
Take a look at our Ryder Cup website for some alternative perspectives on the tournament.
One species however that is enjoying the milder, wetter weather is fungi - and they are absolutely everywhere at the moment!
Mike Warburton sent in this lovely shot of a mushroom to our Flickr group:

I've put together a fungi gallery featuring some of the more amazing looking mushrooms and fungi that have been .
I'll add more soon, so don't despair if yours hasn't been featured yet. I've had to be quite picky as there are so many fungi images to choose from so keep them coming and remember - I can only use landscape style shots in the gallery (horizontal rather than vertical).
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